2 .:. Sick

308 16 8

TW: blood. Like a shit ton

Anne sat comfortably on the grass, combing her hands through Sasha's hair, her mind full of thought.

Some of these thoughts were big thoughts, like 'I wonder what Sprig and Polly would be doing right now' , whereas some were smaller, like 'I wonder what's for dinner.'

And then some of these thoughts weren't really thoughts at all. They were concerns. Like 'why is Sasha so exhausted, and why does she look so pale?'

Of course, she had every reason to be tired, but Anne didn't feel any fatigue whatsoever, partially because the past several hours went by like a blur, and she was still processing, or maybe it was because she died-

Anne shuddered at that thought, immediately changing the topic. She slid her focus to what her hands were doing instead. She had subconsciously starting braiding a small strand of Sasha's hair, and smiled down at her work. Sasha could be so pretty sometimes. Platonically, of course.

Despite the darkish circle beneath her eyes, and how sickly she looked, Sasha resembled an angel almost, making Anne's face glow a faint shade of red.

However, she was snapped out of her thoughts all of a sudden. Her mom had started walking towards her.

"Come on Anne. It's time to go."
"Ok mom."
As Mrs Boonchuy walked away, Anne groaned internally. Sasha looked so peaceful and exhausted. Oh well.

Anne slightly shook her in an attempt to wake her, but Sasha didn't stir, which was strange, because she was usually a very light sleeper.

"Sasha..." Anne said softly, but still, receiving no reaction. She must've been really tired.

"Sash? Sashimi." She forced out a small laugh at how stubborn Sasha was being.

"Yo sash." Anne clicked her fingers loudly right beside her ears. Not even a flinch.

Concern rose in her throat like bile, as Anne shook it off, deciding she would just carry her. So she began to stand, holding her arms under Sasha's, lifting her too, before freezing.

Thats strange. Anne thought, as she momentarily glanced down her her socks and shoe. They had blood smeared on them. She placed Sasha down for a quick moment, her focus moved to her feet. She quickly removed her socks, checking for cuts, or any source of blood, but to no avail. Anne's feet were totally fine. It was then, when she went to put her socks back on, that her confusion grew. The grass, too, was covered in blood, a large patch of it.

Questions flew around Anne's head, as she felt slightly sick.
"Okay... ok that's a bit odd. Maybe-"

And then she froze. Sasha, whom Anne had placed on her side, had her back facing her. Her blood drenched back.

Anne just stared blankly for a while, processing this, before beginning to hyperventilate. What the fuck was going on? Slowly, succumbing to curiosity, despite her fear, she moved forward to lift Sasha's fur cape, revealing a large piece ce of cloth, wrapped tightly around her back, dripping with Sasha's blood.

Real bile began to rise slowly, as Anne made the executive decision to remove the cloth, just to see how bad the situation was. So she rolled Sasha over, finding the knot, and untying it. Then, turning her over again, she slowly lifted the material to reveal, to her horror, a huge, open, bleeding wound, the length of a ruler, right in the middle of Sasha's back.

Nausea slammed into Anne like a wave, knocking her off of her feet, as tears filled her eyes, and her breathing escalated rapidly. The first thing she did was search for her phone, in a furious scramble, before remembering that she had given it to Sprig.

Anne began to shake as realisation struck her.

She's going to die.

"Fuck fuck fuck FUCK." Anne cried, slamming her fists into the grass, in fearful anger.
"Holy shit, holy shit... oh my— I — oh my fucking-" Her breathing escalated beyond her control, as she pushed her fingers up her forehead, and into her hair.

"FUCK!" She shouted angrily, unable to think straight, to think of anything. Anne covered her face with her hands, as she began to regain control of her breaths.

"Okay okay okay okay okay the uh— uh bleed- bleeding, st-stop the bleeding- oh shit, oh my god-"

In a panic, she shakily grabbed the cloth, pressing it tightly onto the cut. However, it only seemed to worsen the situation, because Anne had folded the cloth, making it shorter than the wound, and pushing more blood through the open spaces.

"MARCY!! MARCY!" Anne screamed, sobbing harder, she desperately tried to cover Sasha's back.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." She sobbed, through shuddering gasped.
"I-I didn't mean to, I didn't I, I'm sorry..."

Marcy ran over and froze when she came into close enough proximity to analyse the situation.

"Anne— ANNE, WHAT-"
Tears flew to her widened eyes, as she staggered slightly.
"HELP ME!! PLEASE- PLEASE MARCY!!" Anne cried, before mumbling quiet apologies to Sasha in a shaking voice. Marcy grabbed her phone, filled with nausea and fear, as she shakily dialled 911.


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