5 .:. Denial

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Anne stared at the ground with her hands in a triangular position, resting on her lips. She had her elbows leaning on the arms of her chair, and tears pricked the back of her eyes. Sasha sat before her, playing with the cardboard-y hospital blankets in her fingers, as tears slowly rolled town her cheeks.

Both of them sat in dead silence for what felt like forever, until Anne finally spoke.

"So... there's a possibility that you might not... ever... move your legs... again."
Sasha opened her mouth to speak but then stopped. She then Sighed and said.
"Well that's just what the doctor said, it doesn't actually mean anything. I'm sure I'll be out of here by next week-"

Suddenly a tall blonde doctor appeared in the doorway. Anne recognised her as the one that had informed Sasha's parents of her condition in the waiting room.

She smiled at the two of them.
"You must be Anne. I'm Dr Robbins, it's nice to meet you."
Anne just nodded as Dr. Robbins walked over to Sasha, pulling out her stethoscope.
"What seems to be the issue?"
"Nothing is the issue. I'm fine and Anne is a drama queen."
The doctor laughed as Anne rolled her eyes.
"It wasn't nothing. She fell out of bed and refused to let me help her back up."
Dr.Robbins smile faltered as she checked Sasha's heart rate.

"Sasha, you just had spinal surgery. Yesterday. You woke up earlier than we expected, which means your body hasn't had as much time to properly heal yet. You have an amazingly low pain threshold, even without the morphine, but that does not mean that you can go diving off of hospital beds. I'm going to have to do an examination later on to make sure that your stitches are still intact. I'll go talk with your parents about that. Just stay here for now, okay? In your bed?"

Dr Robbins flashed them one last smile before heading off. Sasha groaned.
"What." Anne said.
"You totally just snitched me out to my doctor."
"Yeah, because you fell out of your bed!"
"I told you that I-Am-Fine. I think I would know if I was bleeding out of my spine right now."
"Y'know you think you would, but you just spent nearly two days with an open wound. The only reason you didn't bleed out was because of that makeshift bandage and your cape."

Sasha turned over, facing away from Anne, but Anne just walked around the bed to the other side.

"Sash... do you remember in the first grade when I broke my arm trying to eat my tennis racket?"

Sasha almost cracked a smile but kept her frown tightly in place.
"Then you remember our promise?"
"You said that if I ever did something that stupid again, or even stupider, you would-"
"-I would have to look after you and protect you no matter what. Yes I know what I said."
"Ok. Than you know that it works in reverse. You did a stupid thing-"
"It was not stupid-"
"It was tremendously stupid. Even I wouldn't dare venture that far into the stupid-things-to-do-iness."
"Okay. Says the girl that went and got disintegrated by a moon."

They both went silent at that.
"...shit, I'm sorry-" Sasha began but froze at Anne's reaction.
"Im- what- are you seriously laughing?"
Anne was doubling over in hysterics, holding onto the table so that she didn't topple over.
"I-I'm sorry, it's just- I'm just- oh shit- Jesus it's just— this is just like- so fucking crazy!! I mean on my birthday the most stressful thing I had in my life was that god stupid essay... and now..."
Anne just held her arms out at arm span, exaggerating size. Sasha watched on, slightly concerned.

"Anne... are you okay?"
She calmed down and exhaled softly.
"That's the question I should be asking you."
"Just because I'm the one sitting in the hospital bed doesn't mean I'm the only hurt person in the world."
"But really Sash. I am actually fine. The only concern I have right now is your legs-"
"My legs are fine."
Anne opened her mouth to argue, but then pursed her lips, before curving them into a small smile. She then jumped up onto the hospital bed and lay next to Sasha.

"Alright then, Sash. Your legs are fine"
Sasha closed her eyes and sighed.
"Alright then."


🫢 Omg

guys I think they're lesbians-

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