3 .:. Hospital

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Anne watched in numb shock as a trio of
paramedics loaded Sasha into an ambulance. Her parents were on their way to the hospital to meet them there, and it was probably the first time that they would be in the same room for more than a minute in years.

Marcy had stood with Anne, along with Mr and Mrs Boonchuy, who had comforted the two girls anxiously. Silent tears streamed down Anne's cheeks as her mom now drove the four of them down to the hospital, following behind the ambulance.

The entire car ride was silent. Anne didn't dare mention who it was that sliced up Sasha's back. Marcy felt guilty enough already about the whole ordeal. The last thing she needed right now was knowing it was her hands that did this and blaming herself.


They all sat in the waiting room in an eery silence. Anne's dad tried to lighten the mod by offering them cash for the vending machine, but everyone was too anxious to eat.

"Anne, you can have a sleep if you want to. You must be exhausted. Same goes for you Marcy."
Mrs B said reassuringly. But Anne just shook her head.

"No. I need to be awake when they have news about Sasha."
"Honey, I can wake you when they come. Right now the best thing for you is some food and rest."

Before Anne could protest, the doors opened and two very worried adults walked in, arguing with each other.
"For the last time, you told me that you had it taken care of! You called and told me in your words 'I'll pick Sasha up from school' and NOW LOOK AT WHATS HAPPENED."
"And for the last time I'm telling you that there was a change of PLANS. I told you that!! I messaged you!! This is not my fucking fault!"

Sasha's mom just laughed, a hollow and sarcastic one.
"Oh please!! Stop acting like YOURE THE VICTIM HERE."
A nurse ran up to them trying to seperate them, and avoid anymore attention being drawn to them. Anne watched as the two reluctantly walked away from each other, sitting down five chairs apart.

Marcy's parents arrived not twenty minutes later.
As soon as Marcy saw them, she ran to them, embracing them, and sobbing about how sorry she was. Her parents broke down crying as well, comforting her, while her brother stood awkwardly, shocked by the epic fantasy warrior looking outfit she was wearing and saying something about how 'absolutely fucking crazy' her whole story sounded.

Anne watched on, unable to form a smile on her lips. Not while she was this anxious. Why hadn't Sasha mentioned anything? It's kinda hard to forget about a huge gaping hole in your back. The pain must've been unbearable-

"Mr and Mrs Waybright?" A voice called.

Anne looked up to see a doctor wearing light blue scrubs and a scrub cap, with pale yellow gloves covered in blood. Sasha's parents ran up to her and Anne stood up to move closer and hear the full extent of Sasha's injuries.

"The cut on her ankle is deep, but should heal up fine with a few stitches. As for her back, seeing as it's been open for so long, there is a high risk of infection. We are running tests right now to check. As for her spine, there is some cord damage, so we'll have to wait and see exactly how bad that is, but I'm sure with a few months of physical therapy, your daughter will be able to go home-"

"Wait, wait—" Sasha's mom said, choking back tears. "You're telling me— that- that after not seeing my daughter for- for seven months, that we can't even take her home yet!?"

"I'm afraid that we'll have to keep her here, and closely monitor her."
"Can we at least see her." Mr Waybright said, struggling to keep the grief out of his voice. The doctor went silent for a second.

"Well, you see, she's lost quite a lot of blood, and we've had to rush her into surgery, to asses her spinal damage, and repair it, but I assure you, we have the very best surgeons working on your daughter right now. She is in the very best hands she could be in."

Sasha's mom broke down crying, burying her face into Mr Waybrights chest. He held her there, as they both seemed to forget their screaming match earlier.

The numb feeling returned to Anne. This was really serious. Life threateningly serious.

Mr Waybright swallowed a shuddery breath and said "Thank you doctor..."
"Dr. Robbins. Thanks."
"No problem. I'll come back out soon with another update."

Anne went and sat back down beside her mother, shaking slightly.
"Anne? Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I think I'll take that nap now."



Is it me your looking for?

I apologise REPEATEDLY for not uploading for like four weeks 😂
I kinda forgot about this tbh
Yes I have been watching Greys Anatomy.

Stay tuned for another update

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