4 .:. Visit

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Anne woke with a start.
"Sasha?" She said, woozily. Mrs B looked down at her daughter and smiled.
"You had a nice long nap, there, sleepyhead."
Anne blinked, looking around at her surroundings in confusion, before remembering where she was.

And what had happened.

"Is- is Sasha alright!?" She cried jumping up from her chair.
"Calm down, Anne." Her dad said, putting his hand on her shoulder.
"We haven't got word yet."

Almost immediately after he said that, Dr Robbins emerged from behind the wall, with a huge grin on her face.

"She's awake."

Anne ran up the stairs to the room that the doctor had given her, Room 7G. As soon as she arrived at the door, she hesitated. Anne's hand hovered above the handle momentarily as she took a deep breath and opened it.


Sasha lay on her side, facing away from the door with tears slowly falling down her face. She was scared, and angry, and depressed. As soon as she had woken, Sasha had pulled out her IV drip and tried to get out of her bed. The nurse had yelled at her in protest, but Sasha just pushed away with her hand every time she tried to interfere. She could take that nurse in a fight on her worst day.

However, as she tried to get out of her bed, horror struck her as she realised that she couldn't move her legs.

"What... what the fuck."

The nurse had called for a doctor before turning to Sasha.
"Please calm down. You just underwent major surgery-"
"Yes, now if you could please just let me reattach your IV drip-"
"I don't need a fucking IV drip!! Where's Anne?"
"Your friend is in the waiting room right now-"
"What's going on?" Dr Robbins said, appearing in the doorway.

It was the conversation that they had next that had left Sasha shaking with tears right now.

"We aren't sure if you'll ever regain control of your legs again."

That's what she had said to her. They were unsure. Unsure if Sasha would ever walk again, heck, move her legs at all.

It wasn't fair. What the hell had she done to deserve this?

And then she thought back to everything before the rebellion. The lying and manipulation. The backstabbing. The betrayal of trust.

That was another reason why Sasha was upset. Because she had nobody to blame but herself for this. This is all that she deserved.

The sound of her door opening interrupted her thoughts all of a sudden. Sasha quickly wiped away her tears and used her arms to lift herself up to get a good view of the person at her door. When she recognised it to be Anne, she smiled weakly. Anne ran up to her, shocked to see so many wires and oxygen tubes.

"I- Wha- Sash!! What the fuck happened!!?? Why didn't you tell me about your back!? Why did you need surgery!? What-" She took a deep breath. "Nevermind all that actually. Are you okay?" Sasha thought about it for a while before nodding. In truth, no, she was not fucking okay. But Anne didn't need to worry about that right now. She probably had her own problems to deal with. Sashas should be the least of her concerns.

"No I'm great really. They gave me some morphine so I feel pretty chill." She squinted her eyes and gave a relaxed nod in Annes direction, making her chuckle.

"You're so high right now."
Sasha laughed, swallowing the lump in her throat painfully. She ignored it, and using a great deal of effort, shuffled herself over and patted the empty space on her bed for Anne to lie on. She did so gladly, sitting on top of the blanket.

"So what's it like being high?"
"My legs are kinda numb." Saying this choked her up almost because, in truth, they were actually completely numb, even before the morphine had kicked in.

Anne curiously sat up and poked Sasha's knee. When nothing happened she gasped.
"Wow. I wish I was high."

Sasha laughed.
Anne lay back down to face her.
"Are you hungry?"
She nodded.
"K. I'll be right back. Don't miss me too much."
As soon as Anne left, Sasha felt tears run down her cheeks. She glared at the spot where Anne had poked her knee in anger. She really hadn't felt anything. At all. Sasha leaned over and tapped her knee herself. No reaction. She removed the blanket and poked her other knee.

No reaction. In a blind rage, she slammed her fist down into her leg. No feeling. No pain. Nothing. The tears choked her up as she let out an angry sob.

Sasha tried to calm herself down before Anne came back, so she took an interest in her IV drip, in an attempt to take her mind off of things.

After watching it for seven long minutes, Anne returned.

"Behold! Snacks!" She cried, marching over to the bed with her arms full of packeted foods. She climbed onto the bed and dumped them all in her lap.

"Okay so we've got Reece's pieces, cheetos, m&ms, hubba bubba, gummy worms,"
Sasha picked up the gummy worms, but accidentally bumped her stupid IV drip tube, making her drop them.

She let out a groan of annoyance.

"Oh wait lemme get those for you-" Anne said beginning to get off of the bed but Sasha stopped her.

"No, no, it's fine. I can pick stuff up off the floor, Anne, I'm not some 87 year old."
Anne chuckled and went back to eating her snacks, while Sasha mentally prepared herself.

Come on, Sash. You just defeated an ancient invading empire! What's picking up a packet of gummy worms compared to that?

And so she leant over the edge of the bed, with one hand on the table beside it, and the other reaching out for the packet. However, just as the worms were in her reach, she felt herself slipping, and with no way to stable herself, Sasha went tumbling to the floor.

"fUCK-" she cried, landing on the cold hard ground.
"SASHA!" Anne yelled, jumping off the bed and running to her and beginning to help her up.
"NO!" Sasha cried in protest. "IVE GOT THIS."
She gripped onto the sheets and climbed helplessly while Anne just stood there in numb shock.

"Sash... your legs—" she said.
"SHUT UP!" Sasha cried angrily in return, pulling the sheets off the bed instead causing her to slip back to the floor.

Anne tried once more to assist her, but Sasha slapped her hand away.
"STOP IT! I don't. Want. Your HELP."
Anne furrowed her brows.

"Okay then."
And so she proceeded to press the button to call for a doctor. She then hooked her arms under Sasha's, despite her flailing.

"Boonchuy! What the fuck are you doing!? I told you I—"
"I know I heard you. You don't want my help. But that doesn't mean you don't need it!"
Anne then lifted Sasha up, bridal style, used her foot to clear away the snacks, and then dropped her onto the messy, sheetless bed.

Sasha blushed furiously before Anne pulled up a chair and looked into her eyes with a lethal but concerned expression.

"Now tell me — honestly — what's going on."


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