Chapter 68: Ash and Bone

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"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" The Wyrm bolted in a sudden burst of fury, metal voice roaring at the top of its lungs. Brand threw another bolt at it out of pure fear, its power barely a fifth of the one he'd tossed earlier. The creature swatted it out of the air with one massive paw, metal spinning as it flew off.

"Jump, lad!" Regis roared over the clamor. "Jump for feck's sake!"

Brand didn't need telling twice. He ran for the wall's edge, vaulting over as Giantslayer flashed past his vision. He grasped the handle, holding on as he floated down, Regis and the horse gawking at him from below.

With a thought he loosened his magickal grip on the sword and hit the saddle with an audible oomph. "Ride!" Brand bellowed, barely grabbing hold of Regis before the two of them took off. They galloped on into the tower courtyards, jumping over broken flagstones, weaving past cannon stones.

"We'll make for the tower!" Regis said. "Keep it occupied until—," His words were swallowed up in a tumultuous roar as the Wyrm rocketed past, wings glinting with a razor's edge as it careened into Brand's family home.

Someone started screaming. Was it Regis? Was it him? Stone crumbled, wood splintered, glass raining down as the tower broke in half, its two halves tumbling at odd angles. They came together with a gnashing, crashing wail, dust blooming like petals on a flower. Regis yanked on the horse's reins, the beast more than happy to turn the other way.

"Where's the Wyrm?" Regis put a palm over his eyes. "Where'd the damn thing fly off too?" He was twitchy, nervous, throat raw from yelling. His answer came with another flap of the creature's wings. It burst out of the dust plume, soaring into the sky, fire pouring from its mouth as it haphazardly raked over the city.

"It's coming round for another pass," Regis said.

"Any bright ideas?" Brand asked, desperate to keep his voice from quavering. Seemed even his own body was betraying him now.

"Not a fecking one. Thought hiding in the tower would be our best bet but that went to shit real quick. Can't outrun it, either." He grit his teeth, eyes narrowing over a solution even he didn't like. "Maybe I can lure it away while you make a run for it."

A heat stirred in Brand's chest. An old ember flickering back to life. "I'm not running anymore." He threw one leg over the saddle, jumping off with Giantslayer by his side. "We're putting this thing down for good." The Wyrm was fully turned around now, wings reverberating through the air.

Regis went milk white at the prospect as he stared up, throat bobbing at the prospect. "Think you can hit it from here?"

"I can try."

"You'll only get one shot," Regis said. His grip tightened around Wyrmkiller. "Make it count." With a whip of the reins he tore down the courtyard heading straight for the Wyrm. The sounds of galloping hooves slowly faded away as Brand studied the sky.

The Wyrm was getting closer. Its attention was fully placed on Regis, metal mouth slowly beginning to glow. Brand took Giantstlayer into his hand, holding it up like a javelin. He imagined his magick pouring into the sword, filling the metal with his power, turning it into something more. Something greater.

The blackened Star Steel slowly started to glow, growing with intensity until it was as bright as a forge. Brand winced as light and shadow washed over him, the sword's handle beginning to hum faintly. He felt the gold shards in his hands vibrate, digging into the bones, dark bruises already forming beneath the flesh.

"Just a little more." The Wyrm swept low, getting into position, mouth unhinging as the fire in its belly grew. "Just a little more." The sword became unstable, magick pouring into every nook and cranny until the metal was beyond saturated. "Just a little more!" He felt something tickle his palms. Blood, his blood, running down his wrists in heavy streaks. The pain was starting to become unbearable. A violent buzzing that gnawed at his bones, at his mind, at his soul.

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