Moving On

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We are in the car making our way to the supermarket in my mind I'm going over all the things I need to buy to make the curry for tonight and I really hope that the guys like it. sitting here I'm thinking about everything that has happened in the last few weeks and I still find it very hard to believe it, this is the sort of thing you read about in books you don't expect it to happen to you. Maybe somebody up there is looking out for me maybe my father, I get teary eyed just thinking about him I really wish I could've met him but hopefully Mrs Morris well let me in on some parts of his life.
"You okay there, Kylie?"Lenny says
"I'm okay. I was just thinking about all the ingredients that I need to make this curry. Do you guys like it medium or hot?"
"We all like it hot the hotter the better." We arrived at the supermarket carpark and Len parks the car and I look out the window and I can't believe it but Who should I see walking to the supermarket but Cathy and Katie, why is it everytime I start to get a little happy or find I have a smile on my face there she is and it starts to make me feel miserable again.
"Kylie, look at me." Len says I look at him, and by the look on his face, he must see that I'm starting to feel miserable again.
"Kylie don't let them do this we are all going to be living in the same town, we are going to be seeing each other and I know it's going to be hard for you but remember I am here with you and I won't let anything happen okay. I think the best thing you can do is when they look at you, just smile and walk away. "
"I know you're right it's just after being afraid of somebody for so long it's hard to just change but I am willing to try and promise me you won't leave me even for a second in the store?"
"I promise you that I won't. I will be by your side." We get out the car and I start to shake I can't help it and Len takes my hand and gives it a squeeze he doesn't let go and it is comforting to know that there is somebody by my side. We make our way into the supermarket and grab a trolley. I push the trolley and Len is walking beside me first of all we get some fruit then we head to wear the chicken is and who should be there but Cathy and Katie I try to ignore them and I start looking at the chicken I was actually hoping to avoid them I know stupid but a girl can wish.
"Well well look who it is it's a fat bitch and one of her other boyfriends" Cathy laughs I do what Len says and I avoid her and I just keep looking at the chicken and asking Lens opinion on what he thinks, once we get the chicken I push the trolley to move away as she steps in front of the trolley and put her hands on it to stop me.
"You think you're too fucking good to speak to me now do you fat bitch! "My hand is tight around the handlebars.
"I have nothing to say to you,"
"Is that so well I see that you've convinced Mrs Morris that you're not a bad person but let me remind you of one thing no matter what she tells you about your father I could always tell you a lot more things about him that you will never ever know.
"I try to stay strong while she rattling on, but my father is a weak point for me, and I feel tears gathering in the corner of my eyes. I can see that Len is also pissed off he goes to say something, but I place my hand on his arm.
"Aww, is little kylie going to cry?" Katie says. I look at Katie, and then I look at Cathy
"I wouldn't believe anything that you had to say about my father. If anything, my father would be disappointed in you and hate the person that you have become."
"Is there a problem here?" With all the screaming that Cathy has been doing, we now have a security guy come up to us.
"I'm sorry," Len says we are just here trying to do some shopping, and we have this woman come up to us and just start screaming at us."
"I have been watching." Sir, he turns away from me and Len then and looks at Cathy and Katie. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"Not until I get my vodka!" Cathy says
"No, not when you get your vodka. You will leave now. You can either leave under your own power or I will remove you from the store." Cathy looks at me, and then she says
"You'll pay you fat bitch" and she drags Katie out of the store. I look at Len he's smiling at me.
"Kylie I am so fucking proud of you right now I know how scared you must've been people are starting to see Cathy for the person she really is and you have nothing to be ashamed of, I can't wait to get back home and tell the guys I know they will also be proud of you." I laugh."Who knew that the supermarket could be so entertaining.
"Okay, let's go and get the rest of the food and get going. I think I've had enough for one day." once I have everything that I need I ask Len if is anything else he needs just one more thing and surprise surprise we go around the corner and into the alcohol Len picks up three packs of beers and puts them in the trolley I go to walk away but he asks so what would you like I turn round and look at him.
"Honestly, I've never tasted alcohol," and yes, I know I worked in a pub, but I never tasted it. "I have orange juice in the trolley anyway." We go to the checkout and pay me and Len had a bit of an argument the cashier laughs at us but I told him it was my treat and I was going to pay for this once the car was loaded we were on our way back home. Once we arrived home, we got out of the car. David and Mike came out.
"Where have you guys been?"David asks
"We went to the supermarket Kylie wants to make a curry for tea tonight" I look at her and I smile, She goes to the back of the car and open the boot but we move her out the way as all the guys grabbed the bags and take them into the kitchen Carl is working on his laptop at the kitchen table.
"Hi, where did you guys go?"
"I asked Len to take me to the supermarket because I am cooking a curry tonight for all of you."
"Len," the guys ask with a smile on their faces. " Can we call you Len too?"
"Absolutely not only Kylie can call me Len." we all laughed
"What do you like to eat? ever since I've been here, all we've had is takeaway. "
"Usually, we go out to eat if we want something decent as you know Lenny can make a mean fried breakfast, but apart from that, we can't really cook," Mike says
"Would you mind if I took over the cooking I love to cook it gives me something to focus my mind on as well, so i'm not constantly thinking about the negative"
"Home-cooked meals we can't say no to that kylie," they laugh.
"More trips to the supermarket," Len says. The guys look at me, and Len
"You tell them Len"  I start doing my preparations for the chicken curry and listened to Len tell them all about what happened at the supermarket once he was finished  hands come either side of me onto the worktop I didn't need to turn around to know that it was David.
"I'm so proud of you, baby,"
"Thank you," and I know that I am blushing. I can feel it.

kissing the back of her head. I go to sit down with the guys at the table. Kylie keeps on making the preparations for the chicken.
"Coming to watch some sports," Mike says
"No, I'm staying here and helping Kylie. I say Lenny and Carl go to do some work on the laptops. I get  up and stand next to her
"What can I do to help?"
"Can set the table for me if you like."
"Sure, no problem." As I'm setting the table, the phone rings, and I go to answer it
"Kylie, it's for you it's Dr Walker,"
"Hi Kylie I'm just ringing to let you know that I have an appointment set up for you to go to therapy it's at 9:30 in the morning with A woman named Susan Carter Will you be able to go?"
"Yes, that will be fine." After he gives me the address, i hang up.
"Dr Walker has an appointment for me tomorrow with a woman named Susan Carter, the therapist,"
"Wow, that was fast. How do you feel about going?"
"I feel okay about going. I've been thinking about it, and maybe this will work for me. I won't until I give it a try,"
"What time is the appointment?"
"At 9:30 in the morning"
"Okay, I'll give you a lift if you want."
"Thank you, that would be great." This will be about half an hour if you want to go and hang out with the guys for a bit. "
"No, I'm okay here anyway. I like talking to you." we talk about little things, and then after about 10 minutes, the phone rings again  I answer it
"Kylie, it's for you, it's Mrs Morris." I take the phone from him
"Hello Kylie, I was just wondering if there was a time that I could come and see you? I managed to find some pictures of your father. "
"Yes, that would be lovely. Let's say, can you come about 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?"
"Perfect, I'll see you then, dear."
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Bye,"
"I take it that Mrs Morris is coming here tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, she is she said she had some photos of my father,"
I go back to checking the curry and it's nearly done so I make a start on the rice after 15 minutes its all done so I plate it up and put it on the table I get three beers out of the fridge for the guys and an orange juice for myself.
David, will you call the guy is please and let them know that is ready. David goes out of the room and then comes back with the guys, and they all sit down.
"Wow this looks great thank you" Lenny says, we sit there eating our tea, the guys drink there beers and I have my orange juice.
I go to get the plates to do the washing up, but Mike stops me.
"Me and Carl will do the dishes. Thank you for the curry it was lovely,"
"You're welcome, guys."
I go into the living room with David and Len watching a movie on the TV when Carl and Mike come in. After doing the dishes, Carl has a box in his hand, and he hands it to me
"This is for you, Kylie, from all of us.

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