What he would do when you're reading / watching TV

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Darry: Will make sure, you're comfy, and ask about, whatever you're reading or watching:)

Sodapop: Tries to convert your attention to him, by cuddling with you, and you eventually needed to give up, since he didn't stop being cute:)

Ponyboy: If you're reading, he'll read with you, or you read out loud to him. If you're watching TV, he'll cuddle with you:)

Johnny: He'd either take the book away you're reading, or turn the TV off, 'cause he just wants to spend time with you, going out or so:)

Two-Bit: He'll leave you reading, but if you're watching something other than Mickey Mouse on TV, he'll change it back and watch it with you:)

Steve: He'll just leave you, but ask every now and then, what's going on in the book or the TV show:)

Dally: He'll leave you reading / watching TV for however long, until he comes up to you to stop you from doing either, so he'd get a chance to make out:)


Question: Reading or Watching TV?

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