Being one of the gang member's sister

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The Curtis brothers: 

- Basically a mix of all three of their personalities

- A year older than Soda (17 going on 18)

- ,,Studying'' with Two-Bit and Steve (You just have fun instead of really studying)

- Working at The Dingo part time

- Before the death of your parents: Learning everything about cooking and household

- Helping Darry around the house, so that he can have a bit more relax time

- Helping Soda with girl problems

- Being an inspiration for Pony's poems

- Going to watch the sunset with him and Johnny every evening

- Nearly all the boys being after you, like how the girls are after Soda

- Dally made a pact with Shepard's gang, so that, if any one of them is near and you're in trouble, they'd protect you


- You're his older sister

- Older by one year (17)

- Protecting him from your parents at all times

- You're, with Johnny, Dally's first priority

- Studying as much as possible at school to get good grades and striving to get a scholarship

- Working at the Drive-In

- When Johnny killed Bob, you tried to keep him and Pony from running away

- When he and Dally died, you made sure, they'd get the most beautiful graves next to each other


- You're two years younger than him (16 years old)

- Not really keen on his drinking, even though you like a beer every now and then

- Trying to get Two-Bit to help around the house, which works...0.1% of the time

- Your little sister looking up to you

- You helping her get ready in the morning for school, making her lunch and helping her study

- Your mom always giving you extra pocket money if she can

- Two-Bit getting mad at any boy trying to make a move on you (even from the gang)


- Living until 15 with your mother, then moving to Tulsa to live with Steve and your father

- Your father barely realizing you're there

- And when he realizes, he just says ,,Oh hey'', and goes on with whatever

- Gives you major pocket money thought, for some reason

- You split it with Steve

- Working at a diner on the other side of town

- Steve teaching you everything about cars there is

- The gang looking after you at all times


- Two years younger than him (15 years old)

- Total opposite of him, but still took some of his habits

- Like smoking

- Him and the gang being really overprotective over you

- Going to school and working part time at the DX along Soda and Steve

- Staying wherever you want, as long as Dally knows, where you are

- For example, you hung out with Angela, and it's getting too late to go back to Buck's, so you stay at hers, it's the nearest

- Dally secretly asking you, how he can get better at talking nicely to girls, instead of his usual self


Question: Who's sister would you like to be?

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