Chapter 1: The invitation

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It was a regular day behind the desk at Stark Industries. Well technically you work for SHIELD but they like to keep on the down low for obvious reasons.

You aren't an agent, just a secretary. So you never experienced meeting any of the Avengers unlike your fellow co workers who were agents. And you were perfectly fine with that.

You liked being behind a desk and minding your business listening to old music, not worrying about going on any missions and things like that. You had a pretty old fashioned outlook on life, not worrying about being a kickass woman. But that doesn't mean you tolerate sexism though, the male the agents have said some pretty out of pocket things to you causing you to twist their wrists and pin them against the wall.

You knew how to kickass when you absolutely needed to. You had fantasized about what it would be like to meet the Avengers. They are earth's mightiest heroes who wouldn't want to meet them? You weren't invited to any of the parties where they would be present, not that you were expecting to.

Until today. When the Tony Stark walked right up to your desk. To say you were speechless was an understatement. You looked up at him with your cheerful professional smile even though you were dying inside.

"Hello Mr. Stark, what can I do for you today?" you asked.

"I'm having a party tonight at the compound and I'd like you to come." Tony said.

You couldn't believe what he was saying. He was inviting YOU to an Avengers party.

"Okay, yeah. I'll be there." you smiled and he nodded. With that, he turned around and made his way to the elevator.

After you clocked out, you sped-walked back home to try and find something to wear. You always dressed 1950's vintage, you had a soft spot for the decade and loved the fashion. Everyday to work you wore a midi skirt with a buttoned up t-shirt and black ballet flats. Your hair was either in a high flipped up ponytail or in loose curls.

You looked in your closet and found a midi dress with quarter sleeves and a belt. You paired it with black kitten heels and put your hair in a high ponytail with a black bow in the back. A bit of red lipstick and you were ready to go.

You grabbed your pleather black purse and slung it over your shoulder. You planned to walk or take a cab to the compound but found a black SUV in front of your place waiting to pick you up.

You took a deep breath and watched the gate to the property open.

When the car stopped you thanked the driver and got out to make your way to the compound. There were already quite a few people there, cars lined up out front and people chatting about. You walked through the pristine glass doors and stared at the huge crowd not knowing what to do. You decided to go to the bar and get a drink.

"Hi, I'll have a strawberry margarita." you told the bartender and she nodded with a smile.

While you were waiting for your drink, unknowing to you, the Avengers were sitting on the cream colored sofas behind you. One in particular couldn't keep his eyes off you.

Steve Rogers noticed you as soon as you walked in and how absolutely beautiful you were. He had never seen a woman in this day in age dress how you did, and how sweet you seemed. He made a mental note to talk to you later.

Once you got your drink you sipped it slowly, savoring the good tasting liquid. Someone sat up behind you. "Hi I'm Natasha." Natasha introduced herself. Your eyes widened. The Black Widow was talking to you!

"Oh! Hi! I'm Y/n." you replied with a smile.

"Would you mind if I introduced you to the rest of the team?" she asked.

"S-Sure." you stuttered nervously.

She gently grabbed your hand and led you to the sofas where the Avengers were sitting.

"Guys, this is Y/n. The girl Tony told us about." Natasha introduced.

You got lots of 'nice to meet yous' and 'wow you're pretty' which made you blush. You awkwardly sat on one of the couches next to none other than Captain America himself. You always admired his heroism and how handsome he was.

You couldn't believe you were sitting right next to him. Everyone ended up in their own conversations, and Steve spoke up.

"So Y/n, can I just say how beautiful you look tonight?" he asked, causing you to blush.

"Thanks. You look very handsome tonight too." This was definitely the alcohol talking for you because you would never be this flirty and straight forward if you were sober. It was his turn to blush and you thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"So, what do you do for a living?" he asked you.
"I'm a secretary for SHIELD. I basically sort through files and do all the paperwork." you replied.

"That sounds like a nice stress free job," he said.

"Yeah, it is. You know, this is the first time I've ever been to an event like this."

"Not your scene?"

"Not necessarily. I just came because I figured it's a once in a lifetime experience."

"Tony's parties are always memorable. If I'm being honest, I'd rather be reading a book in the comfort of my room instead."

"I love to read too! What's your favorite book?"

"You know, I've been liking rom-coms." you blushed and smiled at the thought of the captain reading rom-coms.

"Me too. I also love classics. Jane Austen to be exact."

"Me too. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite of hers."

The two of you kept talking about things you're interested in and realized the two of you had a lot more in common than you thought. Later, the two of you walked outside on one of the balconies.

"Hey, would you like to grab dinner or something?" Steve asked nervously.

You smirked, a  mischievous glint in your eye. "Are you asking me on a date, Rogers?"

"Maybe..." he trailed off.

"I would love to." you said and he sighed in relief.

You gave him your home and mobile number since when you were at home you preferred to use your vintage rotary phone.

"Shall I walk you out to your car?" he asked, offering an arm.

"You may." you responded and looped your arm through his.

That night you laid in your bed and happily sighed. Then squealed in excitement because Captain America asked you out on a date.

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