Chapter 12: Delivery

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"Steve, there's something I need to tell you." You said, sitting down with him on the couch.

Steve looked up at you, concerned. "What is it sweetheart?" He asked.

You sighed, "Those powers that Hydra gave me, I still have them. They didn't go away. I discovered it when I was tired of Wanda and Natasha's bickering, and I split them apart subconsciously with my powers." You explained.

"Oh honey..."

"You're not mad...right?"

"Of course I'm not mad, Y/n. I could never be mad at you. Besides you didn't know. You and everyone thought Wanda got rid of your powers for good."

"Theres...also something else I have to tell you."


"Wanda and me are related. We are sisters. Um...Hydra didn't give me these powers they only gave me a serum that activated them. I'm like Wanda. I'm the second Scarlet Witch." You explained carefully, not wanting to leave any deatails out.

Steve ran a hand down his face. "How did you found out about all this?" He asked.

"Wanda told me. She explained everything. I hope you're not...scared of me or anything."

"Y/n, of course I'm not scared of you. I'm just worried because the thought of you going out and being an Avenger-"

"Oh I never said I was going to be an Avenger, I don't think I'm cut out for that superhero life even with powers." You chuckled.

Steve chuckled as well,

"Okay, good. I'm glad you're safe. I'll always protect you, you know that?"

"Yes I do." You said, smiling before getting onto his lap and kissing him. "Okay, I'm going to go make dinner, maybe these powers are helpful in the kitchen." You said.

One day, Steve came home to the vacuum cleaner moving on it's own, and a soapy rag washing the glass sliding door.

You came out when you heard the door open. You were dressed in one of your favorite house dresses, your hair curly and pinned up. You walked over to him and kissed him.

"I'll never get used to seeing that." He chuckled, referring to the vacuum cleaner and the rag.

"Yeah, but it helps get chores done faster."

"Well I'm glad. You should have more time to relax. You know I can clean every once in a while."

"What? No. You're a 100 year old superhero I'm just a 26 year old woman who doesn't have a job. I love doing this. You need rest."

Later that night, you were cooking in the kitchen when you felt a sensation in your stomach.

And your eyes widened when you realized what it was.

"Steve!" You yelped from the kitchen. Steve came rushing in, concerned.

You looked him straight in the eyes. "It's time." That's all you said and he understood straight away, rushing to pick you up and take you out to the car.

The labor went smoothly.

Little Natalia Rogers was born at 10:00 pm.

When you first held your baby girl in your arms, you fell in love instantly. And then Steve held her. She looked so small in his big arms. You smiled at the sight of him smiling down at Natalia.

When the team heard the news, they all got out of bed despite some of them having an early mission in the morning, to see the brand new baby.

"I can't believe you named her after me! I'm gonna be the best aunt to her." Natasha said. Wanda was about to argue but you stopped her, now was not the time.

Everyone took turns holding her, even Peter.

Bucky was reluctant, afraid he'd hurt her with his arm. But he held her and didn't want to let go for a moment.

The next day you were able to go home, you put Natalia in her crib and sauntered over to Steve in the living room. You sat on the couch and sighed.

"I'm so happy." You said.

"Me too, baby." He replied before kissing you.

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