Chapter 4: Exhaustion

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You groaned and slowly opened your eyes, a bright light was shining down onto your face.

You tried to move but couldn't. You were strapped down on a metal table. You pulled and shoved at the restraints but it was no use.

Then, you realized where you were.


You remembered the agents coming into stark industries, and how they poked something in your neck to make you black out.

You heard footsteps approach you, a slender brunette woman with gray eyes held a clipboard.

"What are you going to do to me?" You asked.

She didn't respond, just continued to do her thing. She was then handed a syringe that had red liquid inside. It looked like blood. The woman injected it into your arm and your world went black again.

"Will she be okay?" You heard a worried voice say. It sounded familiar.


It was Steve's voice. "As far as I'm concerned she's healing faster than before, they injected her with some sort of serum." You heard what sounded like Dr. Banner explain.

"Super soldier serum?" Steve questioned.

You wished you could see them but you just didn't have any energy to open your eyes.

"No, this one gave her powers of some sort. Similar to Wanda's."

You started to freak out. No. No. No.

You can't have powers. You don't want powers. You just want to be a normal woman.

You groaned and forcefully opened your eyes. The room was dimly lit, different from the fluorescent lights at Hydra.

"Steve?" You croaked.

"Y/n? Oh my god." A worried Steve came rushing over you.

You turned your head to face him with a weak smile.

"Hey soldier." You said.

Steve grabbed your hand in his and kissed it. "You have no idea how worried I was. When we found out you were at a Hydra base I didn't think I'd be able to get you back."

"Well I'm here now. Thank you for saving me."

"Of course, doll. Couldn't leave my best girl behind." You blushed at his words.

"Okay, oh! Y/n you're awake." Bruce said, walking into the room holding a clipboard.

"Do you mind if I run some tests?" He asked.

"Sure." Was all you said.

After about an hour Bruce came back in with test results. You were more energized now, sitting up on the bed eating a sandwich.

"So Ms. Y/n, it appears Hydra had given you a serum that gave you powers similar to Wanda's. Can you try and use them?"

You sighed and then concentrated on using your powers. You did similar hand motions to how you saw Wanda do. And sure enough, red dust emerged. You freaked out and quickly put your hand down.

You kept breathing heavily. Having powers scared you.

"Okay, take deep breaths." Bruce tried to calm you.

It eventually worked and your breathing retreated back to normal.

"Is there a way to treat this, doctor?" You asked.

"There is, but we're gonna need Wanda for it." He said and you nodded.

Steve came back a while later to keep you company. He also brought Bucky to meet you.

"How are you holding up?" Bucky asked.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken. Okay, very shaken." You responded.

"I'm really sorry. I know the terrible things Hydra can do to you." He said.

"It's alright I'll get through it, I always will."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Steve asked.

"Yes Steve, I'm fine." You chuckled.

"You just had me worried."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But once again I'm here now. And safe with you here."

The three of you chatted for a while before Bruce came in with Wanda and the other avengers trailing behind him.

"Okay, Wanda can drain your power and get rid of it for you. But you will be exhausted for the rest of the week." Bruce explained.

"That's fine, I'll just take a few days off of work." You said.

Then, you all went outside, and you stood in front of Wanda.

"Are you ready?" She asked and you nodded.

The pain was nothing like any pain you felt before. It felt like your insides were being ripped out.

Luckily, it didn't take long.

You dropped to your knees with your hand on your chest.

Steve was immediately by your side, helping you up.

"Can you stand?" He asked.

You tried to stand but couldn't, so he picked you up and carried you in his arms towards where everyone was.

He gently sat you down on a bench, you were engrossed in hugs and "are you okay" questions.

"Guys I'm fine, I'm fine." You chuckled.

Later that night Steve drove you home and helped you with whatever you needed.

When he tucked you in, you stopped him.

"Can you stay please?" You asked.

He nodded, "Of course."

He took off his shoes and jacket and crawled into bed with you, pulling you protectively close.

"Goodnight Y/n." He whispered.

"Good night Steve." You whispered back.

Coney IslandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora