Chapter 6: Chocolate cake

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It's been a month since you and Steve made it official, and things couldn't be better. Of course you always worried about him when he was on a mission, but he always came home with minimal injuries.

Unfortunately, one particular mission left Natasha bed ridden for a few days. She had broken her leg, and part of her back.

You returned to work, working like it was any normal day. This evening you were going to have dinner with the Avengers at the compound and surprise them with a homemade chocolate cake.

You, Natasha, and Wanda all became pretty close friends, you also suspected there was something going on between the two of them but you didn't pry.

After finishing up work for the day, you made your way back home. You decided to wear a coral midi dress -authentic from the 1950's-, tan stockings and white heels. You slung your small bag over your shoulder and carefully carried the cake.

As you were going to go out the door your telephone rang. You picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" You asked.

"Hey honey, are you leaving to the compound soon?" Steve asked.

"Yes, on my way now. I'm gonna take a while cause I'm walking but I'll make it there before dinner is served." You replied.

"Oh no, doll I don't want you to walk all the way there, I'll come pick you up."

"Are you sure?" You obviously didn't object because you didn't really want to walk all the way to upstate New York.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll be there in a bit. Love you."

"Love you too." And you hung up.

A few short moments later, you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to see Steve standing there looking handsome as ever.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep." You said cheerfully, grabbing the cake and heading out the door.

"You look beautiful tonight. Well, you always look beautiful." He whispered.

You giggled and blushed at his words. "Why thank you, Mr. Rogers, you don't look too bad yourself."

Luckily, he didn't bring his bike so you didn't have to worry about trying to hold the cake.

"Everyone's gonna be real happy about that." Steve said when he noticed what you were holding.

"They better be, it's my signature homemade chocolate cake!" You exclaimed and he chuckled.

When you pulled up to the compound, Steve held the door open for you as you walked in.

The two of you made your way to the kitchen/dining area, where most of the team resided.

"Hello everyone!" You exclaimed cheerfully.

"Y/n!" Everyone said excitedly. Sam noticed the cake.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked.

"My signature homemade chocolate cake."

You sat it down on the counter and immediately, Sam and Bucky raced to the counter, fighting over who got the first piece. You swatted them away.

"Guys, this is for after dinner." You scolded them like they were children.

"Sorry Y/n." They both said in unison.

Pepper made some really good pasta for dinner and everyone sat down to devour it.

"So Y/n, have any plans to move in with this one?" Natasha said, jerking her thumb towards your boyfriend.

"Not at the moment, no. We've only been dating for a month, Nat." You chuckled.

She shrugged her shoulders,

"It was just a question."

When dinner was done, everyone was eager for a slice of cake. You have everyone an equal slice.

"Wow, this is really good, Y/n. You should come over for dinner more often." Sam said.

"Thank you Sam." You said.

Everyone agreed with his statement.

"Then I guess you'll be seeing more of me," you chuckled.

Afterward, the team went into the movie room to watch whatever movie they decided on, while you and Steve sat out on the balcony.

"Do you see a future with me?" You asked him.

"Yes, I do." He replied.

"What do you see?" You asked.

"I see us, in a nice house with that teal vintage Cadillac you've always wanted, with maybe two kids and a dog. Inviting Natasha, Bucky, and Sam over for barbecues on the weekend. Me coming home after a mission to my favorite people."

Your heart skipped a beat at his words.

"I would like that very much, Steve." You said.

He smiled, he was happy to hear you wanted the same thing.

"We've got time." He said and you nodded.

Later that night, Steve looked on Zillow for homes in Brooklyn, just browsing. He thought. Until he saw one that he knew you'd love. He saved it and decided to show it to you tomorrow.

Coney IslandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora