Chapter 3: Secretary of SHIELD

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The week went by in a flash, it mostly consisted of work, dates with Steve, more work. On a rainy Friday afternoon though, you finally had time for yourself. Sure, you loved going out with Steve but one, he was on a mission. And two, you needed to be alone for a while. You vacuumed and dusted your apartment, cleaning every surface because you're kind of a clean freak.

Then watched some Star Wars because it's one of the best movie franchises of all time.

You then turned on one of your records and let it play softly in the background while you read Book Lovers by Emily Henry. A knock on the door interrupted you causing you to groan. Whoever was at the door was for sure going to get a very much annoyed and angry Y/n.

Important piece of advice: Don't interrupt a reader while they're reading.

You looked in the mirror before answering, just to make sure you looked somewhat presentable. You opened the door to see the huge blonde filling up the door frame.

"Steve, you're back!" you exclaimed as you threw your arms around him.

He chuckled as he hugged his huge arms around your waist. "I missed you so much sweetheart." Steve murmured into your hair.

"Come in!" you invited him and dragged him through the door. "Have a seat." you motioned for him to sit and he perched on the orange mid century sofa. "Would you like anything to eat?" you asked.

"No thanks doll. I would just like to spend time with you if that's alright." His words made you grin like an idiot. You nodded and sat down next to him. You ended up laying your head in his lap as he absentmindedly played with your hair.

This is what Steve needed when he came home from a stressful mission. It was successful, however Wanda got hurt. And whenever someone gets hurt he immediately blames himself. Despite Bucky and Sam constantly telling him it's not his fault, he can't help but not believe his two best friends.

He liked that you were getting closer to the team. He'd bring you around to the compound every once in a while and everyone seemed to adore you. Especially when you showed up unannounced and brought freshly baked goods in which Sam and Bucky would fight over. Natasha and you soon became fast friends. Along with Wanda who was a little closed off at first. Steve wondered where you've been his whole life. You were absolutely perfect for him, funny, sweet, polite, and damn beautiful.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a soft snore emit from you. He couldn't help but smile down at your sleeping form. You had fallen asleep on his lap and he thought it was the sweetest thing. He brushed some hair out of your face and lightly kissed your forehead. Steve then carefully scooped you up and carried you into your room where he tucked you in after sliding off your house shoes.

He wrote a note and put it on the coffee table where he knew you'd see it, and quietly slipped out after turning the lock on the door for you.

He sighed happily, walking to his bike. How had he gotten so lucky? Sure it has only been a week, but he couldn't help but fantasize a future with you.

A nice house in brooklyn with kids, maybe even a dog. Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Bucky coming over on Saturdays for dinner and movie nights. But it was too early to think about that. He was happy with what he had right now.

Later that night, Bucky teased him about it.

"Wow punk, you must really like this girl," he teased.

"I do, she's one of the best things that have ever happened to me." he replied, sipping his glass of water.

"She is one of a kind, I'm happy for you. I also may have eyes on a dame myself." Steve raised his eyebrows at his friend's confession,

"Oh? Do I know this girl?"

"Yes, she's been on the team for a while." Bucky answered. This narrowed it down to three people. Wanda,Natasha, and Carol. Carol was barely on planet and she and Bucky only interacted twice. Wanda was only 19 and had her eyes set on Vision. So it must be Natasha.

"So, is it Natasha?" Steve guessed. Bucky almost spit out his soda. "How do you know?" Bucky asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Steve shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a wild guess. I think she likes you too. You should ask her out."

You woke up to light streaming down on your face. You looked over to glance at your alarm clock: 9:00 am. Okay, so not too late. You yawned before getting up and groaning when realizing you were still in your clothes. You then remember falling asleep on Steve's lap. He tucked you in. You smiled and blushed at the thought, he really did care for you. Steve was the sweetest guy ever and you wondered how you got so lucky.

You were up and ready to head to work by 9:30, before grabbing a ready-to-go breakfast and putting on your usual work outfit.

When you walked in and got situated at your desk, you started to type away on the computer and doing your usual paperwork and organizing mission reports. Suddenly, you heard footsteps frantically making their way towards the lobby where you were located. Your heart started racing as you discreetly opened the bottom drawer of your desk and took out your gun.

Having a gun on you was a requirement for anyone working for SHIELD. Agent or not. And in this moment you were grateful Maria made you keep one. In came running Hydra agents. Many of them. You always were on the edge ever since you found out more about Hydra especially after hearing what they did to Bucky the former Winter Soldier.

You froze up and stared blankly at them not knowing what to do. They scattered about, and then about five came running up to your desk. Obviously looking for information. One of them grabbed you by the hair and that's what got you to release the first bullet.

Another agent came around and yanked the gun out of your hand. They were definitely enhanced. You felt something poke your neck before it all went black. 

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