Ghostbusters! (Part 3)

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  You didn't talk to Nancy or Jonathan for the rest of the day. So, after finishing your classes you jumped on your motorcycle and wandered around town stopping at Melvald's General Store on your way home to grab some candy for the trick-or-treaters. 

  A small bell went off when you opened the door to the store. A lite breeze of air conditioning hit your face as you walked in. You wandered your way to the candy aisle and grabbed a big bag that was filled with small boxes of nerds. You also grabbed a bag of f/c (f/c = fav candy) for yourself. You smiled to yourself as you walked up to the cashier.

As you walked up you realized it was Mrs. Byers you waved and said "hey! I forgot you were working today, how are you?" you say trying to make a casual conversation. You bounce your leg a little while listening to Joyce talk about a movie night, she has planned later with the kids and her new boyfriend. The new boyfriend caught you off guard a little, good for her you thought.

She then handed you your stuff in a small plastic bag and you walked out of the store ready to escape to your bed with your f/b(f/b=fav book) 

~time skip to the next morning~

Your outfit (minus the bag):

Your outfit (minus the bag):

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"Oh!! I want to see those pearls. Yeah!!" Your mom said to Dustin as he posed for the camera. You stud in the background admiring the costume you stayed up all night making with Dustin

"Who you gonna call??" My mom sang while Dustin held up the ghost trap that he insisted he needed last night, which lead to you guys staying up till 1 am.

You sighed and picked up your plate that still had some toast crumbs on it. You walked into the kitchen and rinsed the plate then gently set it in the sink not wanting to break one of your mom's old plates.

You then grabbed your helmet and waved bye to your mom and brother. You weren't taking Dustin today because he insisted on riding to school with the party. After all, they had matching costumes. Which you were fine with because you could go as fast as you wanted without the worry of getting your brother hurt.

~another time skip sorry I didn't want to write out the whole school day lol~ 

You were sitting in the grass of the wheeler's front yard. Picking some flowers and making them into a crown. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin were talking about some random car that almost ran them over today. You had already heard the story from Dustin an hour earlier, so you weren't paying attention.

You then heard the slight rumble of a car and looked up to see it was the Byers car pulling up. you gave up on your crown and dropped. You smiled and jumped up running over to say hi to Jonathan.

The car beeped before fully stopping and turned off. Will jumped out of the car with some large camera but you didn't question it, I mean he was Jonathan Byer's brother.  He ran over to the rest of the group. 

You lightly tapped on his window grinning. "Heyy, are you letting Will go by himself?" You question him. "Yeah, I just thought he needs some time to be a normal kid you know?"

"I totally understand" you pause and think for a second. "Hey, Dustin!!! I'll let you go by yourself tonight but stay out of trouble, ok? And give some of your candy" you shouted over to the group of boys that were waiting for you. 

"Really?! Awesome! Thank you y/n!" Dustin shouted back

 And with that, the boys ran off to collect their candy

You ran around the car and jumped in next to Jonathan "sooo what do you to do?" You asked while looking in his window and fixing your hair. He pulled out the bright orange invitation from the day before and gave you a questioning look. 

You sighed; I mean why not live a little?

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