The mind flamer??(part 17)

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Dustin opened his large dnd book and scanned through it looking for the correct page as everyone gathered around the table to hear what he had to say. He found it and slammed it on the table for everyone to see.

"The mind flayer," he said looking up at everyone. "What the hell is that?" Hopper asked in a tired and confused voice. "It's a monster from an unknown dimension, so ancient that it doesn't even know its true home. Okay? it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly developed psionic powers" Dustin explained seriously.

"oh my god, none of the this is real. this is a kid's game" Hopper says annoyed

"No... it's a manual, and it's not a kid's game, and unless you know something we don't, this is the best metaphor-" Dustin started but Lucas cut him off "Analogy" He corrected.

"Analogy? that's what you're worried about? Fine! an Analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is"

"Ok, so this mind flamer thing-" Nancy started

"Mind flayer." Dustin corrected

Nancy sighed in annoyance and said, "what does it want?"

"To conquer us basically, it believes it is the master race" Dustin explains to her.

"oh, like the Germans" Steve stated

My hand shot up to my mouth to stifle my laughter as Dustin stared at him in disbelief

"uh... the nazis?" he asked steve

"yeah, yeah, uh the nazis" steve said embarrassed

"uh if the nazis were from another dimension yeah totally, uh it views other races, like us, as inferior to itself" Dustin continues

"it wants to spread, take over other dimensions" Mike states to the group.

"We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it," Lucas said seriously

"that's great that's great that's really great," Steve said while running his hands through his hair and walking off. I sighed and hopped off the counter I was sitting on and limped over to him. He was pacing so I lightly placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Hey, we're going to be fine, ok? I'll be right next to you until this whole thing is over." I said while looking him in the eyes. He froze for a moment before pulling me into a hug.

After a second he pulled away "t-thanks y/n" he said kind of shyly. I chuckled at his shyness before pulling him back to the group.

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