The Party (Part 4)

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  Jonathan pulled up to the house and there were speakers blasting music with random teenagers wandering around the front yard. As soon as you took a step out of the car you saw someone vomit. You gagged and held your nose

  "You still want to go in?" you said with a hesitant look on your face. "Let's just try it out," he said while stepping over the vomit on the ground. You rolled your eyes and followed him while questioning your life choices. 

Dodging multiple people, you finally made it to the front door and pushed it open. The gross smell of beer hit your face and you tried to stay close to Jonathan, but it was hard because the house was packed to the brim. 

"Nice costumes," An emo-looking girl said while looking us up and down. "huh?" Jonathan said confused, the music was so loud that we could barely hear anything. "I said nice costumes," she said coming closer. "Oh, uh yeah, we're dressed as people who hate parties" Jonathan responds. You chuckle and whisper to him that you're going to find a drink. He just nodded and continues talking to the girl.

You push your way into the kitchen and see a big bowl of red drink on the island. You take a cup of it and sniff it. Yeah no, that was totally spiked with something. You opened the refrigerator to find a bunch of beer but there were a couple of cans of Sprite, so you grabbed one for you and Jonathan

Just as you turned around to go find him you saw Nancy fighting with Steve over some of the red drink that was sitting on the island. "No, you've had enough, okay?" Steve said trying to grab a red cup from a drunk Nancy. "Screw you!"  she pushed him away and dipped her cup in the drink. 

At least he's being a good boyfriend you thought to yourself as you watched this scene unfold before you. "Nance! I'm serious, Hey hey hey stop. I'm serious stop" he says while grabbing the drink "put it down," he says calmly but she just yells back "no!" they keep fighting and Nancy ends up spilling it all over her white costume.

oh, shit you thought as she ran away to the bathroom. You were going to follow her, but Steve was already running after her. You had almost had enough of this, so you gave Jonathan his sprite and went out on the deck that had fewer people now. You sat on the porch swing and sipped your drink. The cold fall air was so refreshing after being stuck in that warm house.

All of a sudden you see Steve burst out of the house and sit on the steps with his head in his hands. He didn't know you were there, so you sat there for a second before you saw that he was crying. And with that, you set your drink down and stud up. You made your way over to him and lightly set your hand on his shoulder to comfort him. 

He jumped at first, he looked at you and whipped his red eyes while looking away. "What happened?" you say trying to start a conversation and to figure out what's wrong. he just sighed and looked at his feet, clearly embarrassed. "Hey, um, it's ok you don't need to tell me'' You didn't know what to do so you pulled him into a hug, He was basically a stranger, but you didn't care. This was the only thing you could really do for him. 

~Steve's pov~

I froze at first but slowly leaned into her embrace. I rested my head in the crook of her neck and cried into her sweater. I wrapped my arms around her waist and sat there letting out all of my bottled-up emotions. Why am I doing this? I barely know y/n, I mean she's gone to school with me since middle school, but I never talked to her. Maybe I'm slightly drunk, but I felt safe showing y/n this side of me. Her hands rubbed my back slowly. Even after being in that house full of beer, she still had a light scent of perfume on her clothes. wait...Did I really just smell her?! shit I'm such a pervert

~Y/n's pov~  

He froze at first but then started crying into my shoulder. I didn't mind, as long as he was comfortable with this. I slowly rubbed his back as he tightly hugged my waste. I felt his soft hair on the side of my face. I chose to ignore how soft it felt and kept hugging him until he pulled away. 

His eyes were puffy, and I felt bad for him, I had never seen him like this ever, which I guess isn't saying much but still. "I- um, I'm sorry" he starts but I interrupt him "no, don't be sorry. whatever just happened must have hurt you and you needed someone. I just happened to be that someone" I said trying to word it perfectly.

He smiled a little and looked at his feet " It's just that, Nancy is drunk and said some things. which I know are true, I wish I could just say she's drunk and being an idiot. But drunk words are sober thoughts you know?" he said now leaning back on his hands. I nodded and slowly stud up

I looked down at him and held out my hand "here, let me drive you home you've had too much beer to drive properly" 

omg, I hate this chapter, is it too cheesy?? idk💀 also look at me, 2 parts in one day lets goooo

omg, I hate this chapter, is it too cheesy?? idk💀 also look at me, 2 parts in one day lets goooo

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