Eleven has joined the chat(Part 19)

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The two kids cried and hugged each other while everyone stared in awe. Max whispered to Lucas "it that...?" but didn't finish her question. The girl and Mike pulled apart and Mike said, " I never gave up on you, I called you every night for", but the girl finished and said "353 days, I heard" she said while the blood from her nose dripped down to her chin. At this point, I smiled finally realizing that this was Eleven, the amazing girl with powers Dustin had told me about.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there, that you were ok?" Mike said with sadness stitched into his voice.

"I wouldn't let her."

Hopper said stepping forward, eleven glared at him in anger as he said, "what the hell is this? where have you been". "Where have you been?" eleven said back to him with a frown. But instead of answering he just pulled her into a gentle hug.

"You've been hiding her?... you've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike yelled and ran forward punching Hopper's chest. "Hey!" He yelled at him making him stop. "let's. talk. alone." Hopper said glaring him in the eyes. Mike stormed off down the hallway and into Will's room. I stumbled back, feeling my leg start to give out again. Steve quickly caught my back before I could fall too far back. "Here let's sit down," he said with concern painted in his Hazel eyes.

I just nodded while clinching my chin, he sat me down on the couch and sat down next to me. I blushed as I felt our legs touch. Not thinking a slowly reached out and held his hand. He quickly took my hand and squeezed it for a second before holding it gently. 

   I watched as eleven went around and hugged all her friends, she made her way over to us and said "h-hi". 

"Hello, I love your outfit by the way. your makeup looks sick" I said with a smile.. She smiled at me and said "thank you...I like your shoes" before walking away and asking Joyce if she could see Will.

Joyce sighed and led Eleven into the room where they were keeping Will. 

(I'm pretty sure you guys don't wanna read through the whole conversation about how eleven is gonna close the gate and blah blah blah. And I don't wanna write it sooooo time skip)

I sat on the couch once again and tapped my foot anxiously as everyone prepared to close the gate. All of the Byers were going to this random cabin that Hopper owns in the woods to get the mind flayer out of Will before they close the gate, while Hopper and Eleven were headed to the lab to close the gate.

Right now, Steve and Nancy were sorting through the trash from the shed to find any heaters and the kids were all sitting around me having their little conversations. I heard the back door open, and I glanced over to see that Nancy and Steve had both found two heaters. Steve handed his two to Joyce and then came over to sit next to me while Nancy left with Joyce.

I heard the cars drive off and I glanced over meeting Steve's eyes. I sighed and took his hand in mine and squeezed it. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled as I started to doze off.

 I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled as I started to doze off

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