ii. a note of acceptance

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SUKI REMEMBERED CLEAR AS DAY when the note of acceptance was passed to her. The cold spring evening grazed against her skin as she walked through the tall fields of grass. The cold didn't affect her anymore; her body was already shaking enough due to the anxiety that flowed through her. As she reached the outskirts of the Leaf Village, she contemplated all her options. Suki had no idea how to respond to Danzō's invitation to join the ANBU Root System. Without a doubt, she appreciated how her skill was recognized enough to be invited to join a secret organization. Not only that but to be under Danzō's leadership, a talented leader and ninja, would make for a great opportunity.

In a way, she was so quick to almost say yes, as again the offer was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, there were so many aspects that needed to be taken into consideration.

However, there is also the concerning factor on why Suki was getting asked to join now. The mysterious organization of the ANBU Root System was on the down low. The organization would not invite member at the age of 16, as they choose kids before they can walk and talk to be recruited. So, Suki was skeptical, but she was also intrigued; if Danzō asked her to join so late, there had to be a reason behind it.

And right away when she got her Deer mask and went on her missions, she was became well respected. In the first few months the girl was already asked to take a Captain position, but Suki denied that quickly. If anything, she believed she was to young to take control of an entire team.

As Suki walked closer to the city she started to think more about her actual options. She would have to leave her family, her grandparents, and her cousin, Hayami. Suki was already gone enough due to just being in the basic ranks of the ANBU. But again, that was another instance of tension and problems occurring in her family; she had no idea if she wanted to deal with that conversation again. Her mother, Misaki was already so against the idea of her being in those ranks, but her father and uncle supported her choice.

Uncle Tetsuo was a former ANBU member, but his skill and overall qualities let him be highly ranked in the system. It was no surprise that Suki was practically scouted into the ANBU. But then again, it was quite hell for her mother to agree to let Suki go.

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The black haired girl remembered sitting on the blue couch, her hands fidgeting nervously as her mother was pacing back and forth. Her dark eyes seemed even darker than they usually were, filled with worry and concern, her mother looked like she was about to explode.

"Suki, my dear, you have to understand that joining the ANBU consists of many dangers." Misaki's voice trembled with emotion. "You have to understand that I saw your father's brother face so many dangerous situations. He started to live in secrecy... There are many ruthless things Uncle Tetsuo was doing... That even our family will never know about..."

Agreeing to just agree, Suki nodded, she did indeed process what her mother was saying. But Suki knew her answer, and even despite the danger that was presented to her, she knew what she wanted. For Suki, she believed that living a simple life of becoming a Jonin was achievable, hell, she could probably be a Hokage if she worked even more. Yet something inside of her wanted the thrill, she wanted to explore new challenges.

"Mom, I know..." Her voice was soft, "But I am strong, I have trained like this my entire life! You don't understand that an opportunity like this may never happen again! They're asking me to join. Uncle Tetsuo did it, people in my class have been recruited. I think you should understand! I want to make a difference."

Misaki started to sigh, her tense posture became more prominent as she began to speak. "Suki, I completely understand where you are coming from. Again, I've seen people in my life involved in the ANBU. This is serious stuff that you're dealing with. There is so much danger that comes with it, so much sacrifice that you will be making."

Suki fell silent as she began to think of a response, "I know... But Mom..." Her voice faltered out as she didn't have a real idea what she was going to say. The Senju family home was filled with silence, it was heavy with the weight of conflicting emotions. Suki felt torn, she knew what she wanted, but she wanted to please her family as well.

Quietly observing, Suki's father, Takeo finally spoke up. Standing tall against the corner of the wall, he spoke firmly, "Misaki, our daughter is strong... You know that. She has many great bloodlines running through her. She has great skills that can be useful in the ANBU system. If she dreams that, we have to support her and her judgment."

Turning to her husband, Misaki's dark eyes were filled with tears, "I know sweetheart, but it's so hard to let her go... You know, you've seen it before with your brother. I even fear for her now, for every mission she goes on... I don't know how we can handle letting her go to the ANBU."Suki watched closely as her parents began to quietly talk to each other. She could see how her father kept shifting his eyes back and forth. As the two started to separate from each other, her father was about to speak, but Suki stopped him.

"Both of you... I understand your concerns, and I understand what you want for me... But I have to follow my path and choose what I want to do. I promise I'll be careful, and I'll make you guys proud." Her voice spoke of fear but was filled with determination. Suki's dark eyes watched them closely as she watched for their final answer.

Misaki wrapped her arms around Suki, refusing to let her go as she held her tightly. With a quivered voice, she finally gave in, "You've always made us proud, my sweet flower. Just promise your father and I that you will be safe."

Just like her mother, Suki's voice trembled from the atmosphere in the room, "Thank you... Thank you so much." Despite the sadness that was plastered on Suki's face, she felt a mix of emotions–fear, excitement, and gratitude. The dark haired girl knew deep down that the decision to join the organization would prove to be anything but simple.

And similarly enough, Suki and her family found themselves in the same conversation a year later. Despite Misaki's motherly instincts of love and concern, Suki was able to persuade her mother to reluctantly agree.

Two days after she got the note of acceptance, Suki was a committed member of the ANBU Root System Member, controlled and orchestrated by Danzō Shimura.

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