v. putting it all together

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   NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, it can be said that Suki became well acquainted with her nightmares. It was always something different each night, but it always concluded with the same repetitive order. Her body would awaken with a jolt, her blankets kicked off the bed, and cold sweats that made her clothes feel clammy.

In those vulnerable moments of awoken terror, Suki's dark eyes remained motionless, her body not able to find enough solace to fall back asleep. Her overwhelming sense of fear could not even make her grab her blankets off the floor for comfort. She sat up in the middle of the bed, her entire body curled as she rocked her body for comfort. For hours, she did that, the darkness of the moon keeping guard of her until the morning light would flow into her room, signaling that she could start her day.

In the beginning, her nightmares seemed like they would follow down a different path. One night, it was a cave, darkness that was always seen even with the brightest of lights. The next night, her bedroom had an unraveling feeling of ominous auras. In the nights that followed she saw herself in her mother's flower shop, Danzō's meeting rooms, and simple places like the streets of Konoha.

Yet no matter what order the nightmare would start, the nightmares would conclude in the same chilling spot.

Every. Single. Time.

For the past five restless nights, Suki could vividly recall how each dream played out. The images of the ending felt marked onto her skin, figuratively and literally. Even as the days wore on, the nightmares were never able to blur out.

• • •

Her desk was cluttered, filled with endless amounts of crumbled papers of written notes. Suki sat slumped in her chair, her body doing anything to not fall asleep. Hand on her cheek and the tapping of her pen, she blankly stared out her window.

Small raindrops started to fall, her spirit lifted a little as she watched the rain pick up. The sound of the droplets hitting her window—always made her feel at ease— usually in most cases, very relaxed to the point where she could fall asleep. Hopefully this time, the rain would give her a bit of inspiration to work.

The crumpled paper on her desk and floor significantly increased as she continued to write out her thoughts and plans. The hours went by, and as her dark eye-bags grew bigger in size, Suki still had no exact plan.

The rough outline of her mission was complete. To infiltrate the Akatsuki one must show similar similarities of a current member. And with this, Suki already possessed much of it: notoriety, skill, and connections. But obviously, Suki has to impress the current members by proving her loyalty, showing some sort of significant contribution to the group.

A few days ago, Suki would believe the most ideal option were to cut ties with the people she loved, and to be seen as rogue. However, after restless nights and constant thinking, she found an alternate choice.

She would play both sides.

As her mind raced with new thoughts, she did her best to write down another plan. Her tired eyes stared into the half-used piece of paper as she wrote down key notes of her new plan.

To play with the Akatsuki, one must carry their same twisted mindset. With slight caution, she would do anything to prove her worth to the group. If the mellow girl has to play the typical outcasted ninja role (who wishes for a better life), she would do exactly that.

Each and every paper she wrote had different ideas containing the plan. But altogether, the girl could not pinpoint what would happen to the village.

With a cursed seal mark that made much of her speaking difficult, Suki excels in her way of wording things. For Danzō and her home, she could not out many things about the village's secrets. In fact, it would be the same output for the Akatsuki, a cursed seal could make her seem useless in the Akatsuki.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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