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Monday, June 9th 2003

Maggie immediately pulled into her driveway, leaving her bag in her car, she raced to the unlock her door, only to find that the door was already unlocked. Walking into her home, she noticed the living room was empty, no sign of Bradley, she made her way through the hallway poking her head into the kitchen, not here either she thought. Maggie started to make her way up the stairs where her and Bradley's bedrooms were located. Bradley's door was opened, they hadn't touched his door since the night he left, she poked her head in and there he was, boxes covering his room, he was packing his things up.

"Oh hey Mags" he looked up from placing a book into one of the boxes closest to him, "I thought I heard your car outside" Maggie was frozen where she stood, here he was after all these months and he was acting like he hadn't been gone for 6 months?.

"Are you serious right now?" Maggie had a look of disbelief on her face, " "oh hey mags" that's all you have to say to me after six months?" she turned around and walked to walk to her room.

"What do you want me say?" he followed her into her bedroom, talking at her back.

Turning to look at him, she said, " An explanation maybe? an apology for the way you yelled at me?, anything other than that dude" she pushed past him trying to make her way downstairs but not before he caught her wrist pulling her back.

" I'm sorry for yelling at you maggie," oh, he a sweet smile on his face, it almost made her forget just how angry she was at him, "and I can't explain why I left I'm sorry".

"Really? because my dad says the same thing, " oh sorry mags It's really just between me and Bradley" are you serious? just leave me out of this as if I don't even live here ?" she was angry again, no one would tell her anything and she had a feeling even Jessica knew why Bradley left, she would never ask her though, too afraid of the answer.

"Well he's right, it's not worth bringing you into it, so stop asking" he shrugged, letting his hands drop back to his sides, dropping Maggie's wrist as he did.

"Oh but it's worth leaving over? Worth yelling at me and telling me to fuck off?" Maggie asked, she didn't want to remember that night but all she could remember was crying herself to sleep.

"I said I was sorry Maggie, what more do you want?" Bradley asked, this wasn't how he pictured him coming home, he didn't realize she would be out of school early, Bradley was going to try to avoid both of them after he had heard that Maverick was leaving for deployment from Iceman.

"Yeah, we'll you should've apologized earlier, I haven't heard from you in six months Bradley! Six! and now you're just here packing your things like it's no problem?" she was confused and upset at him? but apart of her missed him so much, "You left me all alone here and I missed my fri-"

"You knew where I was!, the phone works both ways Mags, or did you guys forget that?" Bradley turned back to his room to go pack some more before he left on Thursday.

"Fuck you!" she yelled at him, slamming her bedroom door closed and crawling onto her bed to cry, this was not at all the reunion she thought the two of them would have. Maggie at least thought she would get somewhat of an explanation and not more arguing, it seemed this was the only thing they were good at anymore. All she wanted was for Bradley to know how badly he hurt her, for him to understand just exactly why she was this hurt and just how much her heart had broken when he left.

Maggie ended up falling asleep until the sun went down, she got up and changed into a comfy pair of shorts and a big t-shirt (it was bradley's). Walking out of her room she could see that Bradley's door was still open and she could see him at his desk on his computer, she quietly walked past his door trying to avoid any contact with him. Making her way into the kitchen she just grabbed some leftovers from the fridge, not bothering making anything else for dinner. She didn't hear him making his way down the stairs or the fact that he heard her door close as she quietly walked down the stairs.

We were just kids ~ B.Bradshaw x fem oc (ON HOLD FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now