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Wednesday, June 11th 2003

***Warning there is sexual scenes, they have been marked off with * so if you want you can skip ig****

Jessica and Maggie had left Jake's home immediately after Maggie had walked downstairs. When asked how it went she just shrugged and told them "I tried, he didn't want to hear it". The girls had gotten into Jessica's car and Maggie decided on the way to her house,  that she was okay, she talked to Jessica the whole way there instead of the uncomfortable silence that took place on the way to the party.

The girls had gotten to Maggie's house and decided to watch a movie and just relax.

"so what movie are we watching?" Jessica asked as she threw herself onto the couch, "go ahead and pick anything but nothing sad okay?"

"yeah okay Jess" Maggie looked through her stack of movies and decided on the Lilo and Stitch movie.

"really Maggie?" Maggie rolled her eyes at her as she sat down on the couch,putting her head in Jessica's lap.

"what? It's not anything sad and are you really gonna complain about Lilo and Stitch?" Jessica looked down at her friend and shoved her, they both started laughing, enjoying their time together.

Jessica had decided to stay until the sun went down, but ended up leaving two hours after it was dark. By the time Jessica had started to leave it was raining outside, which was odd considering it was the start of summer. Maggie volunteered to let Jessica stay at her house but she  had promised Jake that she would go back to his before it got too late. Letting her friend go, they gave each other a hug and said goodbye.

Maggie ended up deciding to be productive and clean up her home, she started in the kitchen, doing the dishes and sweeping the floor, she made her way into the living room and vacuumed up the floors and fixed the couches.

When Maggie was finished she decided to go upstairs and sleep, walking into her bedroom, her eyes immediately darted to the bags of clothes on her floor. Walking over to them she started to pull the items out and placing them back into her closet where they belonged, she kept a black hoodie of Bradley's out and made to a metal note to clean the rest tomorrow.

Maggie changed and put the jacket on with a pair comfy shorts and climbed into bed, she turned her TV on and was prepared to try and fall asleep when there was a knock at her front door.

Who the hell was knocking at the door at 10pm?

Maggie got up out of bed and walked down the stairs to open the door, what she wasn't expecting was one Bradley Bradshaw standing soaked in the rain.

"what the hell?" Maggie didn't expect him, of all people to be here at 10PM, " Bradley what are you doing here?"

"I was goi-" she was looking at him as if he was crazy, he felt crazy, only deciding 20 minutes ago that he was going to come to her house with no plan or any clue of what he was going to say or do, Jessica had gotten back to the house and that's when he decided to leave but now it was just looking like a bad idea, "never mind sorry this was stupid, I shouldn't have come" he turned around to go back to his car which was parked in front of his trailer.

"what?" she was confused, but she couldn't let him go, "wait Bradley!" she followed him out into the rain immediately regretting it, it was so cold but it got his attention.

"what are you doing? go back inside you weren't supposed to follow me" Bradley truly didn't expect her to follow him, especially not into the weird freezing rain.

"Yeah well I would follow you anywhere, that's what you do when you love someone" Maggie just shrugged, any type of nervous or awkwardness she had completely washed away after their talk a few hours prior, "now what are you doing here?"

We were just kids ~ B.Bradshaw x fem oc (ON HOLD FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now