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Wednesday, June 11th 2003

Bradley and Maggie went on throughout their days as if everything was okay. Maggie went to school for her two hours but avoided Jessica the whole day. The Mitchell girl truly looked miserable the whole day and all Jessica wanted to do was comfort her best friend but when she tried to speak to her, Maggie would give small answers or an " I don't want to talk about it". It hurt Jessica to see both her friends this way and she knew Bradley wasn't doing any better.

Bradley had taken advantage of the two hour window to pack up the rest of his room while Maggie was gone. Jake looked after hime while they picked but he seemed normal, more quiet but normal like he wasn't hurting inside. Jake knew Bradley wasn't okay when he came into the room to see Bradley stripping the sheets of his bed, the bed looked slept in and Bradley must've realized Maggie had slept in it last night when she got home. So to get rid of any of her, he had thrown everything in the corner of his room and left it there.  By the time it hit 10:30AM Bradley and Jake had left and Maggie came home to the quiet house.

Walking up the stairs she went to open Bradley's door but stopped herself, she didn't need to be sad all day. Maggie went into her room instead and sat at her desk for a few minutes, just staring at her computer. Deciding to get up and do something, she went into her closest to dispose of any material that belonged to Bradley Bradshaw.


Bradley was at Jake's home helping Mrs Seresin prepare the food for his goodbye party tonight. He tried to insist she didn't have to do it but she wouldn't have any of it and planned it anyways. It was keeping him distracted and he enjoyed helping the women who had become a second mother to him.

Jessica and Jake were watching him from where they sat at the kitchen island. Jessica had told Jake how Maggie had barely said a word to her all day and he told her the same about Bradley. The couple had no clue how they were going to fix this, they knew it wasn't their job, that the two should come together on their own but they felt they needed to help. Jessica felt horrible for not being by her best friends side last night.

They were miserable without each other again, it was like the first time they were apart. Maggie cried for days on Jessica's shoulder and Bradley was upset for a day and went to being numb until he really was okay, Maggie never healed though she stayed heartbroken until Bradley had walked back into her life three days ago. Bradley was leaving tomorrow and he had no reason to stay now, his last connection to anything important was cut when Maggie said those six words. 

"so who are we inviting tonight" everyone looked up to Mrs Seresin talking, "I've already sent an invite to your Uncle Ice Bradley and Ma-

"No it's okay, she doesn't need to be here" Bradley looked away from her, Jake, Jessica and Mrs Seresin all looked at each other with concerned expressions.

"Bradley honey, are you sure? you won't see her again, you really don't want her to be here?" Mrs Seresin tried again.

"nope" he answered her.

"okay honey, Jessica? can you come over here for a second" Mrs Seresin gestured to the back door.

"Of course" Jessica got up from her seat and followed the woman outside.

"I need you to go to Maggie's house and tell her about the party" Mrs Seresin wasn't giving up on the two.

"but he just sa-

" I know what he said and he will regret it, he might not think so right now but he will" Bradley was heartbroken but he still loved Maggie and Mrs Seresin listened to him talk about her until he fell asleep last night, "he truly loves her Jess, he needs to see her one last time before he leaves tomorrow."

We were just kids ~ B.Bradshaw x fem oc (ON HOLD FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now