
412 3 0

Tuesday, June 10th 2003

The first thing Maggie noticed when she woke up were the arms around her waist, she turned her around a bit to take a look at Bradley behind her, at some point in the night they had turned so Maggie's back was against Bradley's chest. Maggie had turned around to look at him, Bradley looked peaceful, it made Maggie smile having him this close to her again. Turning back around she just stared out the window, she took a look at the clock and saw that it read [6:00AM] she would have to get up for school soon. Unannounced Bradley had pulled her tighter against him making Maggie squeal in his arms, she turned in them so they were face to face, he was smiling with his eyes closed.

"good morning Bradshaw" Maggie was looking up at him, she was smiling too, "i have to get up soon"

Bradley groaned and buried his face in her neck making her laugh and tightening his hold on her, "no"

"no? I can't not go to school" she started to pull away from him laughing as he pulled her back, "Bradley c'mon"

"It's only 6:20, just stay" he was looking at her with a puppy dog face, "please?"

"fine but 10 more minutes" she said but he was still looking up at her.




"10 Bradley"

"c'mon 15?"

Fine, she thought, she just let him lay there so content with just being close to her, she started to play with this hair as she started to think. Maggie really didn't want to go to school but it was her last week, and Jessica would kill her for leaving her alone, she wondered if Jessica knew Bradley was here. Thinking back to last night Maggie also wanted to know if Jessica truly did tell Bradley everything, she was going to kill her if it was true.

Bradley was also thinking , he was thinking about how the hell he was gonna leave Maggie again, he hadn't felt as happy as he did now with him in her arms and he knew it was different than the last time they saw each other. They felt different, he didn't know what it was but everything felt different this time.

Maggie had let Bradley stay wrapped up in her arms for 20 minutes before deciding she had to get up.

"okay your time is up, I have to get dressed" she scooted away from him, getting off the bed from the other side so he couldn't grab her, he groaned and shoved his into his pillow, "you're so dramatic" he flipped his middle finger up at her and she rolled her eyes and walked back over to the bed, she leaned down and gave him a kiss on the back of his head. Maggie walked out of his room before she could see his reaction, walking into her bathroom Maggie took a quick shower and brushed her teeth before walking back into her room to get dressed, she stood in just a towel looking into her closet. Bradley had just gotten up to let Maggie know he wouldn't be home when she got back from school.

"Hey mags i just wante- oh shit i'm sorry" he immediately turned around not realizing she was standing in nothing but a towel, his cheeks were red and he had a hand over his eyes.

Maggie just laughed at him, "it's fine honestly, um what we're you telling me?"

With his back still to her and his hand over his eyes, "oh uh i was um you know what it's not important never mind" he reached back to close her door and went back into his room, he stood with his back to the door for a minute, his hands running down his face, well it could've been worse, he thought.

Maggie just laughed and rolled her eyes at him as he had slammed her door closed and walked to his room, she continued to look through her closet deciding on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tank top, she paired it with black converse and decided to just leave her hair to dry instead of putting it up. Walking out of her room she saw that Bradley's door was closed so she made her way downstairs to make something to eat before she left, it was now 7:45AM so she wouldn't have much time before she had to leave considering school started at 8:25AM. Maggie made herself a simple bowl of cereal and stood at the counter to eat it, Bradley had made his way downstairs to come find her.

We were just kids ~ B.Bradshaw x fem oc (ON HOLD FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now