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Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen x Reader

Requested by Anon​

Halloween event

Warnings: Themes of death, themes of murder. Mentions of potential beheading

You curtsied and wobbled. You had practised for hours with your governess. Of course, you had to wobble in front of the king, his daughter, his brother and his court. Standing straight and trying to play it off you looked up at the king.

"Your father is not in attendance?" He asked you.

"No your grace." You answered quickly.

"He truly has sent his heir instead?" Rhaenyra asked. She politely bowed her head to her father who quickly motioned for you to answer.

"I am to appease you. While my father weds another and makes a son." You answered quietly.

"Appease me. He does me wrong and sends a... Rhaenyra, take them to another room." The king gestured at you. Rhaenyra stepped towards you and took you by the arm as she led you away.

"Will I be beheaded? Father's new wife said they must make haste with a child because I will be beheaded. Or fed to a dragon?" You asked boldly. Rhaenyra tutted her tongue and muttered in Valyrian. You recognised a few words, curse words that would have startled you if she had not looked so thunderously furious.

"Father would not let that happen. Though I cannot say what he will do to your father." Rhaenyra muttered. Sensing that Rhaenyra would be best kept as an ally, you made no objection. Though you didn't think you'd object too terribly to your father spending some time in prison or having to come face to face with a dragon. Your mother's family had suspected for years that he had been attempting to kill her. The timing of the new lady of the house and your mother's death was all too well timed for your liking and the loyal handmaidens and workers who had severed your mother had all been fired or had fled. Perhaps Rhaenyra would listen to your woes if you became friends. Perhaps her stern stare would make him nervous enough to confess.

Rhaenyra led you to her chambers where you sat at a small table. In the distance, you could see a golden dragon. You had not ever seen them in person before as your father liked to keep a wide berth of the king seeing as they did not get along. Though once the queen had visited your mother. She had descended upon the place and sent your father away. Even she had thought he was the cause for her regular bouts of near-deathly, inexplicable, illness.

You sat together and drank what was served to you by nervous maidens. Fruit was brought at the wave of a delicate hand and set before Rhaenyra who insisted that you partake with her.

Hours passed and the afternoon slipped into an apprehensive early evening. The king's brother arrived as torches began to be lit outside in preparation for the descending darkness of the evening.

"Uncle. What is the decision?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Three handmaidens and a young man who was given lordship over a small holding have all come forward and claim that your father had attempted to murder your mother, dear friend of the queen, and have pled that the King spares you of any attachments to your father. Is it true that he attempted this?" Daemon asked you.

"Uncle?" Rhaenyra said now sounding curious as they both stared at you.

"I have no proof. But I believe it is so. When the queen graced us with her visit and sent my father away she suddenly recovered and as soon as the queen left and my father returned. She seemed to fade again. My mother passed and he was wed to his new wife before her funeral. Suddenly we had funds and new lords I had never heard of supporting him. It is all too suspicious to be unsuspicious." You said and fixed your stare on the dragon buckles of his shirt.

Rhaenyra Targaryen ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora