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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader / Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader x Daemon Targaryen

Requested by Anon​​

Valentine event

Request: Anonymous asked: #valentine2023 "I hate them. I really do. I don't know what I'm going to do." fem reader and ameond targayen/ fem reader x rhaenyra x daemon. Readers family wants her to court aemond and reader turns to Daemon and Rhaenyra for help to get out of it

She hadn't thought about it as if she was abandoning you when she left for Dragonstone. You were at home. In the Red Keep. You had always been there. Hurrying along the corridors after her.

Sometimes she'd take a sick delight in rushing ahead, arm in arm with Alicent, telling herself that you were a little younger than them and they didn't need you following along. But she'd hear you call out for her as she turned a corner and always made sure to stop long enough for you to catch sight of them again.

When she'd left for Dragonstone all those years ago Rhaenyra had an image of you in her mind that she held onto. Happy, full of life and free about those halls. It gave her comfort that you would still bring delight to her father who was always cheered by your presence. You'd written at first, long adoring letters that she kept locked away in her rooms so she could pour over them late at night when sleep escaped her and her bed grew unfamiliarly cold. But the years went on and the two of you stayed apart. The letters slowly came to a stop.

When she had seen you at Laena's funeral you looked older and a different kind of beautiful than when the two of you had been younger. But you also looked tired, drained, and eternally sad. You didn't look at her with a shining smile, you didn't rush to her arms as she thought you might in an inappropriate display of affection for the event. She spoke of you, with Daemon as they walked back from the beach. He watched her carefully as she spilled over with thoughts on how you must have missed her as much as she missed you but she found no evidence of it in the way you had looked at her.

"You loved her." Daemon had observed. There was a long stretch of silence. Both soaking in the statement. Eventually, Rhaenyra found her voice again.

"She has always been dear to me." The princess had admitted quietly. As if it were a great secret. As if he had never seen the adoring looks she usually saved for him thrown over you as you and Rhaenyra grew older. He hadn't understood it then, whatever had gone on between the two of you. Desire he could understand but there had always seemed to be something more. To Daemon you had been nothing more than a curious child, a few years younger than Rhaenyra. Wanting him to spend days regaling you with story after story until he was bored of his own voice, which was hard a task to achieve.

But now he understood, he could see what she had, all those years ago. A flower growing among thorns. A sweetness, he might well have tried to steal from Rhaenyra hours earlier. No doubt it would rile up everyone at the funeral and bother Rhaenyra, giving him some relief from boredom and raw emotion. Perhaps you were something he could share, he had thought to himself later that evening as Cole backed away from him and he caught sight of your frightened face as Rhaenyra and Alicent clashed. He spared you a moment to guide you to one of Corlys' men who quickly had their wife take you in arms to guard you and moved on to the fray.

You had thanked him before you left with the party travelling to King's Landing early in the morning. There was a moment of tension as you and Rhaenyra seemed to be strangers for the first time in your lives. Daemon had taken your hand to kiss it and muttered that should you need anything that he could provide he would love to hear from you. Rhaenyra had given him a strange sideways look before moving to embrace you. It was an awkward embrace at first but anyone who was looking your way could tell that there were feelings that had built over years that seemed to boil over as you both pulled away, eyes locked and a burning in your eyes that was only quenched when others interrupted as they tried to say goodbye to the princess.

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