Chapter 5: ~Tragedy~

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A few weeks after they had their romantic walk, Whitey asked Kay for another one, and in the obvious event, she said yes. Long story short they continued to go on 'walks' and soon enough word got around in town that they were lovers.
More weeks had passed and the mayor needed as many willing and able men to work in the mines. The morning started out normal, everyone was excited for the new mine and what it might bring. All the men packed up for the day, said goodbye to their wives and children, and headed to the mine. Kay's father, older brother, and even younger brother went as well. The sheriff and deputy stayed behind because they had duties. Once all the men were sent down everything was fine, until...there was a problem...the mine had collapsed, it trapped everyone inside. They all died a horrific death. All the men of Le Bella were gone. Once Whitey had word along with all the other woman, they all ran to the mine. Maggie, Whitey and the last few remaining men went into the mine, they saw all the dead men. It was a horrible sight. Whitey was the first one back up, everyone asked him "Whitey! What happened!? Are they ok?! Where are they?!"

Whitey looked down and shook his head, and all the women started to cry. Before Whitey knew it Kay was already there, she hopped off her horse and looked at whitey,

" it can't! They're not! They can't!" she fell to the ground and cried. Whitey ran to her and held her tight.

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