Chapter 6: ~Hard Times~

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Kay's mother was already there. She was in such shock he fell to the ground with a heart attack. Before anyone could get to her...she was gone. That day they tried to pull as many bodies out as they could, including Kay's father and brothers.
The woman dug graves, and Kay had to dig 4. Whitey stayed with her the whole time, never leaving her side. That night they had the funeral. Months turned into years, it had only been 2 but it was still a traumatic memory. The woman of Le Bella now took charge of everything, the building, the selling, and even running the hotel. With all of Kay's family gone, she didn't want to be in that house alone. With no question Whitey moved into the small shack-like house next to her, he moved his horse into their barn, and once moved he rarely ever stayed at his own place, he would stay at Kay's during the night until she fell asleep, then we would walk back to his shack and sleep there.
Once in a while if Whitey had had a long tiring day, he would sleep in one of the 3 bedrooms in Kay's house.

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