un échange mortel sur middlesex street

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"a deadly exchange on middlesex street"

June Twenty-Ninth, 1945

According to the Bible, humans are in a constant state of suffering and sin from the minute they are born.

While the Death Eaters were the furthest thing from sacrosanct, the virtue still held true, whether they chose to admit it or not.

For example, right now, Juliette was travelling through space and time, profoundly aware that murder was in her near future.

But if the Christian God was real, and He had everything planned out, did He not see this coming? Did He plan this for her? Was this some sort of Divine Intervention, all to pay for her sins of Atheism?

She felt the knotting in her stomach cease, the spots in her vision clearing as she landed in Liverpool.

"I told you I hate Apparation." she complained.

"Get used to it." Tom bit back, holding out his arms to steady her on the cobblestone street.

"Why must you do that?" Juliette scoffed, taking in her surroundings. Currently, the four were standing in the middle of the street, row homes on either side of them.

"Do what?"

"Contradict yourself. Your words are harsh but your actions are delicate."

"You think attempted murder is delicate now? I thought you were angry with me." He smirked, looking down at her. Juliette opened her mouth to reply, but Miles spoke first.

"What was the number, Frenchie?" Miles called out in front of her.

"176." She gritted her teeth at the nickname, moving away from Tom.

"This is only 150." He sighed in response, taking note of the addresses.

"Bloody hell Miles, the walk won't be that bad." Eden cursed, laughing. He groaned, tilting his head back. Tom and Juliette trailed behind.

"Do you go by Juli often?"

"What?" She sputtered, confused as to where Tom's question came from.

"I heard Matthew call you Juli the other day."

"And you remembered that?"

"My mind wanders quite often. There's plenty of information to mill over, you see."

"Are you calling yourself intelligent?"

"Darling, I know I'm intelligent. There's no need to point out the obvious."

Juliette rolled her eyes in response, not bothering to answer.

Middlesex Street was quite compacted. The tiny row homes were practically stacked on top of each other, each of their brick exteriors faded from the sun and time. The groups' shoes clicked against the cobblestone street they walked on, announcing their presence to anyone nearby.

"There it is!" Eden exclaimed.

Sure enough, they stood in front of a brown brick building, though erosion caused it to look more beige than anything. It had a stunning white roof, matching the window shutters and front door.

"Juliette, you're going in first." Tom sighed.

"What? Why me?" Her eyes widened.

"Because she knows you. Just talk to her as though you want to catch up on lost time. Can you do that?"

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