Vintage Jewellery (.4)

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"She knows something."

The girls were all sitting together in the usual café as they listened to Cleo tell them about a strange encounter she had with a woman at her new job.

"Like what?" Rikki asked. Feeling a bit sceptical.

"I'm not sure," Cleo said. "But she knew it was dangerous for me to get water on myself."

"You got water on yourself? Emma asked incredulously.

"Calm down, Emma," Cory told the blonde sitting next to her. She knew Cleo didn't do it on purpose.


"It was an accident." Cory continued defending Cleo.

"It was only one drop." Cleo tried reassuring Emma. "I wiped it straight off. Nothing happened."

"I took precautions." Cleo continued. "I can do this job."

"And I told you we should've discussed this further," Emma said with a grumpy look.

"What would that prove?" Cleo defended her. "You're just scared."

"No, I'm not." Emma denied.

Cory and Rikki gave each other one of their usual silent looks. The one that said 'get a load of this guy'.

"Yes, you are. Scared for me and too scared to have your own party." Cleo said in a determined tone. "Well, I'm not living like that anymore, Emma. I'm not going to be scared of every drop of water I see."

A sad look appeared on Emma's face while she listened to Cleo.

"As crazy as it sounds, I agree with Cleo," Rikki said. Causing Cleo to smile. "Just this once."

"She's right. Living our lives trying to avoid everything that could possibly hurt us. That would drive anyone crazy." Cory added on.

Emma looked down at her phone and started fiddling with the necklace she had found by Mako earlier that day.

"Wow." Cleo reached out and took hold of the necklace. "Where'd you get that?"

"The moonpool at Mako Island." Emma said. Managing to give a small smile.

Each of the girls took a second to look at it. It looked kind of familiar to Cory, but she couldn't place where she had seen it before.

"It's beautiful." Cleo smiled.

Emma looked down at her phone again. She flipped it open and pressed some buttons. "Hi, Mum. I need you to start texting the invitations. Yes, all the girls on the list. Plus Rikki and Cory."

A smile appeared on Rikki's face, and she rolled her eyes to cover it up. Cory smiled as well. She knew that as much as Rikki tried to deny it, she wanted to be included. While Cory was not at the same level, she was still happy to be invited.

"Cleo's right. If I don't have this party, it's like I'm not even putting up a fight." Emma told them.

Just as Emma finished saying this, Zane walked over to the table, holding a tray of drinks. A big smile on his face.

"Gross." Cory deadpanned at the site of the boy.

Zane placed the tray in front of them. "Four frozen cokes." Zane smiled and walked away.

Cory stared at the drinks. She did not trust the smug look on Zane's face. Cleo, on the other hand, grinned and took one of them.

"Cleo, I don't think-" Cory tried to tell her a bit too late.

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