Cracking The Clues

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I ran up the steps with Joice,Ken,Mark,Simon,and Ty behind me. I opened the door and heard Sandy's cries.
"Mom,I brought some friends over!" I yelled at her in the kitchen as I signaled them up stairs.
"Ok,Araine." My mom said back.
I ran up the stairs as my feet thumped on the stairs. I pulled down the ladder and everyone ran up it. When I got up there we all got into a little circle. I placed all the photos,some markers,and some papers in the middle.
"Is anyone else going to come?" Simon asked pushing away his brown hair and showing his blue eyes.
"Zoey said she and Jaden are going to stop over." Mark said cleaning his orange glasses." Jaden doesn't believe your theory but Zoey does. You know them, They can't be apart even for a second!"
I nodded my head. I spread out the pictures and told everyone to study them carefully while went to if I can find anymore pictures.
I found six more with the same blonde hair girl taking selfies with a bunch of people.
"What did I miss?" I asked sitting down a grabbing a picture.
"Nothing much." Ken said.
"Ty's been acting weird ever since you left." Joice said.
My attention turned to Ty who was mumbling and writing down crap.
"You ok,Ty?" I asked. I reached my hand out to him. He smacked it away.
"Who are you!" He yelled." Where am I! Where are my friends! Why am I here!?" He sounded more like a girl.
His purple eyes began to glow. He held his head as everyone,but me,took a scouch back. He let out a little moan as purple smoke filled his hands.
"What...happened?" He said,his voice sounding normal.
He looked down at his hand and screamed. He triend to shake the smoke away but it flew out of his hands and hit me.
"Araine!" He said running towards me." I...a...blanked out...I saw the purple haired girl....her name is Ender...Endergames....she's a gamer...she says that something is going to happen if we don't help her....something bad..." He was taking deep breaths in each word. I held his hand.
"It's ok." I said looking into his eyes." It's going to be ok."
He calmed down a little.
"Jordan." Joice said." That's my real name! Jordan! Jordan Rocks! Araine your like my best friend! I uhh, don't really know your real name though. But I just call you Poods!"
"Madison." Mark said.
"Kira." Ken said.
"Shirley." Simon said.
I looked down at my feet.

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