Finding The Others

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It was two days since that little incident. Ty hasn't been the same since and the others haven't either. Ty keeps on looking down at his hands and keeps on calling himself a monster.
I know he's not. To be honest, I think I'm just like him. A YouTuber. We are normal. Outcasts,I guess. We have powers but my memories are coming back slowly. I do know I had a boy kiss me,had a boy have a mssive crush on me at one point,and I have a crush on a guy I don't even know!
Zoey and Jaden never made it to class today. I wonder what happened to them.
First Period
No Zoey or Jaden.
Second Period
Justin came in late and slid into the classroom. He has detention.
Third Period
Carl is yapping about how someone talked to him.
Forth Period
Jaden comes in but doesn't talk.
Fifth Period
Jaden keeps on looking at me. She is creeping me out.
Sixth Period
Jaden pushes me halfway down the steps and calls me the devil.
Seventh Period
Zoey comes in and starts cussing at me and almost hit me in the face.
End of the day
"What ate you talking about!" I yelled at them when they lead me to the wall of the school.
"You know what!" Zoey screamed.
"No I don't know." I said trying to calm them down.
If I do have powers then can I use them? Aguh,stupid MATH!
"Yes,you do!" Jaden screamed pushing me against the wall and making my head bleed." Fucking President Hero,came and asked us a million questions then he threatened to kill our families. Then he said it was all YOUR idea!"
I glared at them.
"I didn't do such a thing!" I said.
I felt something strange in my hand. I looked down and saw a faint glow. It quickly faded away. Zoey and Jaden saw it and ran away screaming.
"Was that my powers?" I asked myself walking away from the alley.
I walked away from the school and into town. Ty caught up to me.
"Wasn't that strange yesterday?" He asked." I mean am I a freaking girl?"
"Yeah,Ty." I said rolling my eyes." It's like there is a while different person in us. Or we are the different person."
I was beginning to remember how we had to find one of each group of YouTubers. And a person to make a game.
We arrived at the Sugar Cookie,a restaurant with the best dinners and desserts. Ty and me sat down at a table. I pulled out the photos and studied them to see if I missed anything.
"Hey there,Hun!" Said a nice sweet voice.
I looked up and saw Elle. Her long red hair was curled and in a tight pony tail.
"Hi,Elle!" Ty said goo-goo eyeing her.
I knew Ty had a thing for Elle but since we found out that Ty is a girl, I just hope Elle is really a boy or else I'll scream "GAY!"
"Hi,Elle." I said looking in Elle's Blue eyes.
"What can I get for you two,Today?" Elle asked as she licked her pen and placed it on the pad.
"The usual." Ty and Me both said.
Elle nodded her head as she wrote scribbles on the paper.(A/n Elle is a YouTuber. Try to guess!)
My head began to hurt. Just then the little girl started talking again. One of the YouTubers are near you. Make them remember... I looked at Ty.
"Someone here is a YouTuber." I whispered. Afraid that someone will overhear.
"Who?" Ty asked.
"I'm not sure. It could be anyone!" I said as I began to worry.
I fixed my jacket.
"That's helpful." Ty said rolling his eyes." There's like half a million people here!"
Elle came back hold a tray full of food.
"Here you go,Huns." She said placing the food in front of us.
"Hey,Elle!" I said.
I pulled out the pictures as she came over to our table.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
Elle sat down at the table and looked at the pictures.
"Does anyone here look familiar?" I asked as Elle lifted up the picture with me and Ty in it. She pointed to the guy with black hair,and sunglasses.
"He does." She said.
"Can you tell me his name?" I asked.
"Vanoss." Elle said looking at me and Ty.

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