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You're heading home after a long day, exhausted and ready to collapse on your sofa.

Waiting on the end of the street by the crosswalk, you gaze across the road and wait for the light to indicate that you can cross. As you lean against a street lamp, a little girl walks up to you.

She looks about your age, except for the fact that she's extremely short, about four feet tall. You're easily over a foot taller than her.

The girl tugs on your hand. You ignore her, hoping she'll go away, but then she speaks.


Her voice is high and squeaky, it hurts your ears.

She stares at you, and eventually you turn. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Can you walk with me?" She asks, smiling at you. Your first thought is to decline, but it crosses your mind that maybe she's being followed. Somewhat begrudgingly, you agree. "Alright then."

The girl takes your hand as the sign across the road lights up; time to cross. As you walk across the street, she chats to you happily. "Meow's name is Meowbahh, you can call meow...Meow! Meow uses she/meow/magic/doll pronouns! Meow's a magical girl!!"

You glance down out her. "How old are you, Meow?"

Meowbahh thinks for a moment before deciding on, "Consider meow ageless!" She didn't quite answer the question, but you didn't want to press it.

"Well, can call me [name]."

You walk with her until you reach your house, then stop. "This is where I live, so...I have to go now." This statement is greeted with a sigh and a frown by Meowbahh, who squeezes your hand once and let go. 

"Meow will see you soon," she says. You silently hope she won't, but watching her walk away in her generic white-and-pink school uniform, you have the sinking feeling that she will.

"Yeah," you reply, "I...guess you will."

You turn and unlock your door.

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