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Sometimes, the two of you argue.

Sometimes it's little things - like where Meowbahh put the toothpaste, or why you were blasting music at 10 PM.

Sometimes one of you gets really pissed, and you start word-fighting. Sometimes your words hurt each other.

Afterward, sometimes you sit in opposite sides of the house and sulk, sometimes Meowbahh cries and sometimes you fume.

You sit, and you fume, and you think back. You think back on every harsh word you said to meow, and every rude comment meow returned.

You trudge up and down the stairs, sometimes stopping before the guest room meow often slept in. Yet, sometimes you turn away, and enter your own room.

Sitting on your bed, you recall the memory of Meowbahh sleeping there some nights ago after another evening of TV show-binging, and you eventually falling asleep beside meow after dull hours on your smartphone.

You've almost forgotten what you were arguing about.

Lying flat on your bed, you think of Meowbahh. Not when meow's angry or sad, but when meow's happy and laughing. You think of meows annoying third-person speech, meows bad Japlish*, and you can't help but smile and bury your face in a pillow, because it's what makes meow special, and what draws you to meow.

You don't remember why you were mad anymore.

So then, sometimes you meet meow as you exit your bedroom, and you stand in front of each other. You tell meow you're sorry. 

Sometimes you'll hug meow, and things'll be alright again.


*Japlish is a Japanese-English blend

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