
397 2 7

sorry for not update im not feeling it unu
but it here finally Owo enjoy (bit short)


"You like the balcony?"

Meowbahh, standing by the rail, turns, and smiles. "Nice view," meow replies.

You join her, and gaze out. The sun setting, orange glow bathing the city, streets below and lights glimmering dimly in windows. In the far distance, lone boat floating atop the river.

"Nice view," you agree, "but a little lonely."

Meowbahh waits a long time before answering - "Not lonely with you, [name]-chan~"

You snicker, leaning against the rail. "You have to warn me before you say something so sappy, meow-chan!" you joke.

Meow blushes shyly, and you grin at her. "Forget it, enjoy the view."

Meow's eyes follow the boat sailing across the river, sun slowly sinking behind it. 

"It's getting late," you tell her, "why not come inside? Dinner's ready anyway."

Meow nods, but doesn't move. "Let meow enjoy the view a bit longer."

You let your lips brush her head lightly,

then turn back toward the door.

meowbahh x readerWhere stories live. Discover now