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You wake up, night still black, mind still bleary yet not able to fall asleep.

You count sheep.

You count cats.

You think of Meowbahh.

In your mind, she takes your hand and laughs. "Meow wants to go somewhere with you, [name]-chan~! To the stars, to the moon!"

You turn over in your bed and smile softly. 

"I can't take you to the moon, Meowbahh."

And she smiles, laughs again, spins you around and pulls you close. "Meow thinks you can do anything, [name]."

In your mind, she pulls you by your hand and flies you to the moon. She dances among the stars and planets in the dark universe, sometimes going out of view, but you don't worry. You know she'll come back.

Meowbahh approaches you from behind, pushes you forward. You fall onto the moon, coughing and blowing away dust. 

The sweet sound of laughter.

"You're silly! Meow finds it kind of kawaii, ehe~"

You stand up.

Meowbahh bounces on her toes, looking excited. "Think you can keep up?"

She hops across the surface of the moon, and you follow.

From star to star to planet to sun, she hops along laughing and you chase her, amused.

She stops, stands next to you, and gazes out. In front of you, the Heart Nebula.

"Meow's favorite," you say, "because it represents love."

Meowbahh nods. "[Name]-chan is my favorite too. [Name]-chan represents love. Because Meow loves you."

"Prove it," you blurt. 

"Prove that you love me."

So Meowbahh stands in front of you and leans closer...so close you can make out each eyelash, so close you can feel her lips on yours...

You wake up with a jolt, sun streaming through the window.

You rub your eyes. You are alone, in your bedroom, another day starting. No stars, no moon, no heart, no Meowbahh. Sighing, you sit up, a little voice inside you expressing regret you didn't get to tell her you love her too.

But it's only a dream.

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