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Yet another Meowbahh-less afternoon.

Fridge empty, so you go shopping. It's nice out (if a little cold) and the supermarket is nearby, so you decide to walk. On your way there you spot something familiar.

A pair of cat ears...

You turn and follow the little figure wrapped in a pink coat before they glance around and duck behind the trees lining the sidewalk.

You open your mouth to speak. "Meow-"

Meowbahh squeals and apparently trips, falling and landing on meows back. Tall figures surround meow, one of them throws a rock at meow. Meow whimpers.

You sidle closer, not visible but close enough to hear what they're saying.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"M-meow...d-did nothing wrong...!"

Scoffs, laughter. "Nothing wrong? You speak like a crackhead! Don't think we didn't hear you saying slurs loud and proud, Meowmid!"

Meowbahh sniffles again, the others start chanting "Meowmid! Meowmid!"

Silently, crouched awkwardly behind a tree, you slowly grow angrier. You couldn't help it - it enraged you to hear people treating Meowbahh like this shamelessly. 

You jump out from your hiding spot and kick the leader as hard as you can in his balls. He howls and scampers, most follow but some stay. You run toward them, then stop.

A big one, built like a troll, grabbed Meowbahh by the neck and is holding meow in the air. Meow flails her legs and whimpers, but he doesn't let go.

You grab a rock and throw it at him.

The rock makes contact with his head and he drops Meowbahh. You grab meow's hand and start running, the men shout but they don't seem to want to chase you. 

You stop on your porch and kneel in front of Meowbahh, who is crying softly.

You hug her. "It's okay."

Meowbahh sniffs, but nods. "It's okay," meow repeats, whispering in your ear as meow hugs you back.

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