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I'm back home

But it's not a place. It's a person.

A person I've always felt alive only when I'm with him.

I'm home only once in a millinia.

Like a comet, we collide and we burn in a flame of a burning comet.

I touch the stars for one time and then on the next morning I'm back on earth.

I breathe lively more than ever and I cry.
I cry for the beauty of the moment, I cry for my undying love, I cry for the scar on me that'll never vanish. The scar I never want to vanish.

I wake up in the next morning when the comet had ended and there's not one trace of the apocalypse. I wipe the traces of the sinful words I let out of my lips and I keep on living with a dug in my chest.

I get to burn in the flames of his fire once in a millinia and it's a bliss and a curse, but it's home.

I keep on living and loving, but it's not with the same warmth. There's no fire and there's a cold corner in my heart that'll never be that warm.

I keep on living, but I break my promises and I do the sin of missing home. I do the sin of waiting for the comet.

I do sins

But it's home and it's tangled in my soul for a never ending eternity and certainly beyond my death.

It's always me and the comet. Me colliding with my home for one moment and then it's all gone.

I break and crush and burn into ashes and then I heal and wait for it to happen again.

I'm always away from home and I'm always living with the hope of having one moment in a millinia.

It's always about home.

And I'm always alive when I'm home..

Moments I felt aliveWhere stories live. Discover now