Through the glass

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Seeing you through the glass

I see you, my eyes get filled with your lively image

I talk to you, my ears hear your voice and it's my favorite

Your smile mirrors mine and I reach for a touch, but I can't

I can't because I'm trapped in the glass

I watch our helpless hands feeling the harsh surface of the glass, your palm trying to reach mine. I cry for the deprivation.

I cry for the moment you walked away and let the harsh glass build around me

I cry because I'm deprived of feeling you.

Why did you let go of me?

Why did you leave me be a captive to the glass?

I try to breathe

I try to stay alive

But I'm scared to breathe a little bit louder. I'm scared of my words getting louder. I'm scared to write the words in my head.

I'm scared.

I'm scared because the glass won't let me

I try to fight it, but it's there because you let it grow the day you left

I try to break it, but it's not what you want. So I stop.

I stop and it hurts my heart, but I do it for you.

I give in to the captivating glass

I give in to the stiffness of every breath I take. I give in to the tightness of the glass around me that almost suffocates me everytime my words get louder.

I give in and I helplessly try to stay alive knowing that I'm deprived of touching your lively image.

I give in and I accept that I'll always see you, but I'll never have a touch.

I give in to an eternity of trying to live without the touch of yours

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