Don't die, live for me

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"If I ever end up in a poem written by your hands I'd die in peace," He said

All the poetry flowing in my soul
and all the letters splintering beneath my sweetly sorrow fingers;

All the tears forming in my eyes as I warily watch the glow in yours in its flickers..

They will never fill the frame of your devine existence
,but neither my feverish trials will ever stop, nor their coverage will fold the moon light in your essence

and so as my tongue keep on rolling the words off, it might come across the line delicately glazing your aura

The line I kept wondering upon its fragility and its way of not caring for the darkness of the surrounding era ,this ever so ugly doomed era,

Along with all there's the faintly whispering light coming from the candle you're holding,

It's a beauty beyond my reach and assuredly beyond my scumbling poetry

,but I shall always dream to reach and have it all as mine despite the grayness my chest is holding

I shall always admire the art resting before my eyes in the form of you; triggering long lines of my poetry

"I have thousands of poems about you in my head," I answered

Don't die, my darling. Live and rest in the peace of knowing you're in my poems and my art..
                      and my heart.

Live, my darling..

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