Through the brown

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I feel the spirals of chaos around me and the clouds of dullness all over the place, gray clouds filling my heart and infront of my eyes

,But then;
My foggy eyes meet the brown of those pores; pouring a new soul into my corroded one..

and all the spirals are unfolding around me

gray clouds of dull are dissipating as the butterflies fill my aura while I'm deepening through the brown

I love you,
My whole existence whisper and let the words wander in the thin air that's fogging up with my hitched breaths

I let a breath after another as I spiral into the lake of roses I fall at.

I pray and pray to keep on falling and falling into the warmth of your brown, I love those eyes and I love this soul to beyond the end of my words..

I never want to end my poems or put a stop to my praying voice, I never want to end my line with a period as I keep secretly wishing for this love to never roll to a finite end..

I only want it to roll and wander to beyond the ends and beneath the depth, beyond the limits of my breath and the age of my life. I want to keep on spinning in the frame of your love

Keep on blissing me with the brown along with the chanting of your voice and I'll keep on letting my letters roll on paper to beyond the end of our lives..

I feel a thing or two and I bask in the brown and admire through paper

I look into the depth of the beauty infront of me and through the brown and I feel ,most ardently, alive..

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