Chapter 1 ( Anything )

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Barty knew he'd do anything for his best friend Evan rosier. When he said anything he meant anything, hell he'd even take the dark mark for Evan if he had to! Barty always hated how people could say that they'd do anything for someone and then so easily proceed to flee when something became too difficult.

Barty and Evan do everything together, if one goes somewhere the other is always close behind. Everybody knew that there was no separating the two best friends.
Sure they got into petty fights from time to time but Evan was his best-friend whom he loved dearly and that was something that wouldn't change. It's been like that since first year the two best friends, of course there was also Regulus, Barty's other best friend but Regulus wasn't near as close to Barty as Evan was.

Evan currently seemed to be annoyed with Barty and everybody knew he was because he was never exactly subtle at hiding it. He'd go out of his way to sit further away from Barty and try to pretend he wasn't there by not acknowledging him. Barty wasn't exactly sure why Evan was pissed at him though, he'd only been doing the exact same thing that he does everyday which consists of waking up, going to the great hall for breakfast where he and Regulus indulge in their light banter, go to classes and then right before lunch go in some broom closet or an empty classroom, and the odd time in the hallway to makeout with his girlfriend. It seemed that's all she really wanted to do but Barty didn't really care. The only reason he was with her was well 1. He was a pureblood expected to marry another pureblood woman and produce an heir and having a girlfriend stopped his parents from nagging at him, and 2. He was completely infatuated with his best friend Evan Rosier, but you couldn't just expect Barty to go up to his bloody best friend for christ's sake and say to him 'despite my parents wishes and well demands for me to marry a pureblood woman and produce an heir I am completely willing to disobey their wishes to be with you.'

That actually made Barty laugh thinking about, because of the fact he knew it would never happen and it was just one of his silly fantasies but that's just how Barty coped. In attempts to hide his pain he'd make jokes.


Evan was getting fed up with Regulus' pestering about why he's ignoring and shutting out Barty, which there was a simple reason for really.
Evan was making his way to the great hall for lunch when he caught a glance of a couple up ahead snogging which obviously wouldn't bother him despite the fact he was able to tell it was Barty and his girlfriend. Evan knew he shouldn't have felt the way he did in that moment. Even though he couldn't describe it he knew he wasn't say proud of his best friend even though he should've been for Merlin's sake. It seemed pretty selfish to not be happy in that moment for Barty and his girlfriend but Barty was his! Barty was his best-friend and Evan didn't want that to change because of a girl. Evan wasn't going to tell Regulus or well anybody that though, in all honesty it was just stupid so Evan decided on telling Regulus nothing.

Evan could tell Regulus knew something, but what was there to know? It was just an argument between two best friends, or rather a one sided disagreement. Evan wouldn't tell Barty or anybody for that matter what he had thought previously, but why couldn't he just be happy for his best friend? That was a question Evan simply just couldn't answer.

A week or so passed, Evan still ignoring Barty, None of it had been Barty's fault though and Evan knew that. Barty was always taking every chance he got to apologize despite not knowing what he did wrong,

Meanwhile there was going to be a party in the Slytherin common room to celebrate the win against Ravenclaw in the recent quidditch match, Evan hoped maybe getting himself as drunk as possible would help him forget everything causing him pain at the moment. Even if it was just momentarily it would be better then having to sit there and suffer through all of it.

And so that's what Evan did, he got as drunk as physically possible the night of the party and the fact all Barty was doing was snogging his girlfriend made Evan just chug some more firewhiskey.

After a couple more drinks Evan went to sit on the couch contemplating on if he should go back to his dorm room but he quickly decided against it realizing Barty was no longer in sight nor his girlfriend so Evan figured they were shagging which infuriated him even more.

Stupid Barty with his pale skin and his stupid freckles , his stupid stupid mop of hair and his especially stupidly beautiful brown eyes.

Just then a pair of hands fell over his eyes and slurred words came out, the words sounded a lot like 'guess who' but nobody could ever be sure. Evan knew it was Barty though, he had always done it back in 3rd and even some of 4th year.
"Whatd'ya want Barty?" Evan somewhat snapped but his words were slurred as well considering how much had drank before, Barty said nothing as he hopped over onto the couch right beside Evan. "Just coming to see my best-friend, what's up?" Barty asked. Evan completely ignored Barty's question and instead said "Shouldn't you be off snogging or even shagging your girlfriend?" Although he didn't really say it to be precise he instead spat and the word 'girlfriend' sounded like venom coming out of his mouth, Barty practically gagged after he said that though.

Both boys speeches were slurred so it was quite hard to understand one another but it was manageable. "Ah no, honestly you know what ev?" Barty said and Evan had to admit those words scared him a bit not knowing what was to come out of his mouth next, Evan did raise his eyebrow though a bit interested in what Barty was going to say next. "She's quite annoying really, all she wants to do is snog!"
Evan actually laughed at what Barty said, he was also relieved he didn't really know why though.

Before Evan could react Barty leaned in and whispered into his ear, Barty's hot breath onto Evan's neck making him tense and then Barty whispered "hey ev, wanna know a secret?"



I feel this is the very much needed authors note
I hate hate hate angst, I don't mind writing it because I know what will happen of course but I know I don't really like reading it so uh like comment your opinion on angst I guess
( I know like 2 people are going to see this but it is what it is)
Alsoooo this is a rather short chapter, there will be longer ones but considering this is the first chapter I wanted to make it short but I also wanted it to end on a cliffhanger

Anything | rosekiller Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat