Chapter 6 ( Pillow fight )

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( recap ) As soon as Barty burst out laughing so did Evan, Regulus just stood in the doorway watching the lot with the most confused look on his face and saying "Class starts soon" before turning around and leaving once again. Evan groaned but nonetheless got up out of Barty's arms and made his way over to the bathroom to take a quick shower. "Can I come with?" Barty joked Evan had thought he was serious though and flushed a deep crimson before scurrying off to shut the bathroom door and lock it behind him.


Evan was halfway done showering when he heard Barty call from oustide the door "Hey ev! Why'd you lock the door?" Now incredibly flustered Evan went to respond and he knew he was going to stutter, before he could answer Barty then said "Relax, I'm just kidding but 1st period starts soon alright?" Evan sighed, he knew Barty was just joking and was relieved but what he said was so utterly flustering. "Mhm- be out soon!" Evan yelled still exhausted from just waking up even though he slept a long while.

Now out of the shower Evan put his fingers through his still wet hair in attempt to fix and dry it but instead made it look like he had just finished shagging somebody which made him laugh. Evan then wrapped a towel around his waist covering the lower half of his body and walked out of the bathroom only to met with Barty's stares.

"My god, You horny son of a bitch!" Evan shrieked, Barty gasped then attempted to put his hand on his heart but it ended up on the opposite side. Barty then pouted and said "I can't believe you'd think so lowly of me my dear Ev." Evan chuckled at the boy's childish behaviour and informed him that his hand was on the wrong side of his chest and infact not on his heart. In response Barty tried to argue and say its supposed to be there and picked up a pillow to smack Evan with. The pillow missed Evan due to Barty's poor throwing skills, Evan then picked up the same pillow and hit Barty right in the chest causing Barty to fall over onto Regulus' bed.
The lot then continued throwing pillows back and forth in an attempt to hit one another until Evan's towel ended up falling down to his knees and he shrieked, rushing to his trunk to finally grab some clothes leaving Barty in a fit of laughter.

Once Evan got clothes on and Barty stopped laughing Evan cast a Tempus charm and realized they missed 1st period and half of 2nd which was potions with Slughorn. Evan and Barty rushed to potions class to be greeted with Slughorn remarking "nice of you two to finally join us, 10 points from Slytherin." The two then found seats beside Regulus who was seemed to be amused at how the Boys came in, both he and Barty were covered in sweat from running to potions class and Evan's hair still had the 'just shagged' look as he got caught up with the pillow fight and didn't get to fix it.

"For Merlin's sake Reg, get that smug look of your face we didn't do anything" Evan stated, Barty then looked at Evan and winked before saying "The people in the common room say otherwise, we forgot the silencing charm Ev" Regulus with his mouth agape from what he just heard and gushed "ok ok! Bloody hell I don't need to hear all about you two shagging. And Evan just so you know, everyone knows Barty can't keep it in his pants so it's real hard to believe you two haven't shagged yet."

"Why would we need a silencing charm Barty!?people don't want to hear pillows being thrown across the room?" "Pillows?" Questioned Regulus now very confused but got no answer from Barty nor Evan. Evan had then spent the rest of potions class glaring at Barty for previously giving Regulus the idea they shagged, fortunately or rather unfortunately by lunch time Evan had already forgiven Barty which came as no surprise to Regulus.

"Sooo a Hogsmeade trip is coming up this weekend, when are you gonna ask Evan to go with you?" Regulus whispered to Barty and received a curious yet suspicious look from Evan. "I'll ask Evan if you ask Potter" Barty whispered back to Regulus while smirking and glancing over at Evan. Who didn't look surprised at all.


Guys guys I feel like being evil next chapter
I'll just do that then have an alternate ending because I don't really like sad endings

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