Chapter 2 ( shit )

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Before Evan could react Barty leaned in and whispered into his ear, Barty's hot breath onto his neck making him freeze and then Barty said "hey ev, wanna know a secret?"


"Mmm kiss me" was all Evan could say, it was what one would say from the heat of the moment. Now everyone knew Evan wasn't good under pressure but this? This could potentially ruin his life ahead of him. "W-what?" Barty stuttered feeling exited but rather confused considering Barty had always figured Evan was a bloke that was only into birds, "just kiss me, god!" Barty knew Evan was drunk but so was he. Barty didn't hesitate to move closer to Evan if that was even possible and kiss him. The kiss was hungry and desperate but passionate at the same time. It felt right like their lips moulded perfectly against one another's. Then again it seemed like it was wrong because of the fact Evan was drunker than he was. Barty pulled away slightly and whispered to Evan "ok ev, time to get you to bed" he then realized what he said and tried to re-phrase his words and then said "I didn't mean it like that Merlin, I mean you have to go to bed."
Barty blurted, very embarrassed. "Mmm I know Barty it's ok" Evan chuckled, reaching his hand up to mess with Barty's hair. Both boys speeches were slurred but neither cared in the moment. Barty grabbed Evan's hand and dragged him up to their shared dorm room. Barty sat Evan down on his bed still in utter shock of the kiss they had shared a few moments ago. "Hey Barty 'ya mind?" Evan gestured between the two of them and then him and the bed. What? Did Evan just so casually ask to sleep with him? No! Nono not like that Bloody hell. "I guess not, just let me change out of my robes" Barty murmured now feeling very tired. He went over to his trunk and pulled out a grey tee then just changed into a new pair of boxers and laid down on the bed. Evan instantly pulled Barty closer to him before wrapping his arms around the taller boy. Barty found that he fell asleep way quicker than usual.


Barty awoke the next day and tried to sit up but felt himself get dragged back down by a pair of arms. Evan! Shit, "Goodmorning" Evan says smiling fondly. "hey, so just a quick question do you remember last night?" Barty asks "Ah no actually I was hoping you'd tell me, also I meant to ask how come I'm in your bed?" Barty felt his heart break just to be rebuilt and broken again many, many times over. "Oh." Barty frowned "Well you were really pissed so I brought you back to the dorm room and set you on my bed and then uh you asked for me to lay with you." Barty said scratching the back of his neck, he could hear his words quavering. "Oh, sorry about that" Evan said, Barty could see Evan's cheeks glowing a bright red from embarrassment "S'okay" Barty shrugged. "So where's reg then?" Evan asked noticing the empty bed across from them desperately trying to change the conversation. "Probably off snogging potter somewhere" Barty said trying to stiff a laugh but after seeing Evan burst out laughing so did he, he knew Evan could make him do that.

Evan glanced down and Barty knew he realized his arms were still wrapped around Barty. Evan then said his cheeks again very rosy "sorry I'll just- I'll get out of your way, we should probably go to the great hall for breakfast." Evan quickly got up and found his wand to cast a Tempus spell and the time happened to be 7:17 am, giving them around 10 minutes to get to breakfast.

The whole way to the great hall all Barty could think of was the night before. How the kiss they had shared was absolutely amazing and Evan remembered none of it, he was completely oblivious to the events that occurred just a couple hours earlier.

They caught Regulus in the great hall, Barty sat beside him and Evan across. Regulus looked at Barty then to Evan and smirked, supposedly the two were very vibrant this morning. Regulus then teased "had fun last night eh? I wont tell anyone about you two snogging last night if you don't want me to though." Evan spat out his pumpkin juice. "I'm sorry what? How did you fail to mention that this morning Barty?" Evan all but practically yelled drawing attention to some other people at the table. Barty shrugged and said very sluggishly "I erm guess it slipped my mind" before running out of the great hall in tears, he wasn't sure why, it should be Evan running out of great hall really. He was just told out of the blue he had snogged his bloody best mate! Barty felt he was being selfish honestly but he was just too embarrassed to face Evan.

Barty went to the only place he knew nobody would find him, moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
He sat there sobbing for a little bit and then went to the ravenclaw dormitory, eyes puffy and cheeks tear stained. He knew Pandora might be there so it was worth a shot. He and Pandora were quite good friends so he didn't have to worry about her denying him a place there at the ravenclaw dormitory, though Evan and Pandora were better friends it's not like she would know what happened and deny him a place there to stay so Barty really had nothing to worry about, well other then having to see Evan. Barty felt bad, he had snogged his bloody bestfriend, slept with him and then woke up and practically lied to him about it! Merlin how messed up was he, and the answer was very. Barty decided it was best to skip meals and have Pandora bring up something to eat at the odd time and whenever Barty went to classes he kept his head down and didn't say a word, it continued on like this for weeks making sure Evan had no way to be alone with him. As much as Barty loved Evan he couldn't face him right now.


Days felt excruciatingly long for Barty now, not seeing Evan his bestfriend who he just happened to casually snog even though he has feelings for said bestfriend. He knew Evan would hate him now and he wasn't ready for that yet, being Evan's bestfriend even if they weren't talking was way damn better then just being a mere acquaintance to him. Even if Barty wanted to be more than just Evan's bestfriend he had learned that, that would never be possible and to accept that.

After about 3 months of agonizing pain Regulus had shown up for the first fucking time, saying exactly what Barty had figured 'Evan is a complete mess' 'you have to talk to him Barty' and other shit like that all but practically begging Barty to go see Evan. Really all it did was make Barty mad. See Barty had become cold, colder than the first couple weeks after everything had gone to shit and he didn't really care about anything anymore. Nobody had bothered to try and talk to him, and although that's what he had wanted it shows what great friends they are yeah? Especially because they were his supposed best friends.

Barty had stopped staying in the ravenclaw dorm and just stayed anywhere he knew nobody would find him. He didn't really care much about finding a comfortable place to sleep since he didn't sleep much anyway. Everytime Barty went to see Pandora which was maybe once or twice a week she always made sure it was her job to point out how horrible he looks. gee thanks, She also tended to complain about how he never went to classes anymore and was going to get expelled at this rate for well skipping all of his classes and hexing every student that came close to him. Barty had received a few furious howlers from his parents but even they had stopped trying to contact him as he never responded to any of their letters anymore and instead threw them out not even reading them, he also received one from his girlfriend saying just anything that would be said in an argument and ended if off saying that they were done.

Barty knew he was overreacting but was he really though? He snogged his bestfriend and lied to him about it, besides even if he had came to the conclusion he was overreacting and should therefor apologize he wouldn't even be able to face his "friends" anymore. Who knew being drunk would ruin your whole life, certainly not Barty.


Oh god I really have no idea how to continue this but it's going to have a happy ending I believe, just lots of angst. I'm hoping to make this a pretty long fic sooooo yeah, it's not very long at the moment but it's only 2 chapters in but I plan to make it as long as possible and I can assure it's not going to be sad the whole time
ALSO PLS PLS PLS be like brutally honest like it generally will not hurt me I just want genuine answers on how this fic is. It's my first one and want ways to approve so yeah and this is like 200 words long so I'm gonna stop


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