Chapter 4 ( Why? )

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"Why?" Barty questioned he knew himself well enough to know he was also different from how he had been just a few months ago. "Because, none of it was your fault. I didn't actually forget what happened Barty, I was the one who suggested we kiss." "Then why did you pretend you forgot?! To make me look stupid? So you could use that against me any chance you got? To make me feel like shit for snogging my bestfriend? Or maybe it was to make it known to everybody I have feelings for you!" By this point Barty was screaming, he didn't even know why he was saying all these things. Worst Aof all he just confessed to Evan. Barty knew Evan would hate him now for sure "Fuck you Evan."
Is what Barty ended with before struggling out of Evan's grasp and running, running anywhere to get away, and as fast as possible.


Barty's words came as a shock to Evan, every single one. He hadn't expected Barty to say any of the words that were said, everything was just so hectic at the moment following the past few months when Barty first ran away and almost completely disappeared and then to make it worse some 1st year heard Regulus and told Evan's parents, well they would now be considered Mr. and Mrs. Rosier to Evan. They had disowned him after he hadn't answered any of their what 100? Howlers. Evan didn't regret one bit of it though. The only problem that occurred to him was where he would go in the summer as he was now 17 meaning he was of age and didn't have any of the Rosier wealth, he also couldn't go to the black family as pretty much everybody had heard of what happened. Luckily the 1st year had only heard enough to know Evan snogged a bloke, not Barty in particular so Barty didn't have the risk of getting disowned.

It would be a terrible lie if Evan were to say he wasn't worried about Barty, because nobody had really heard from him. Not even Pandora who was sheltering him in the ravenclaw dorms for a bit before even she didn't see him.

All Evan wanted to do was tell Barty everything without Barty running away for once and the only way he could do that was with a letter, so that's what Evan did. Without hesitation.

The letter read how your usual letter would.

Dear Barty,

I really need to speak to you and I'd appreciate it if you were to meet me at the astronomy tower tomorrow at midnight. I have to tell you everything, I completely understand if you don't want to after what happened today and just general but I assure you I am not mad nor hate you and I hope that applies to myself as well. I hope you find it in yourself to meet me tomorrow.


With that Evan passed the letter to a random owl in the Owlery and said "Bring this to Barty Crouch Jr. please." Evan picked a random owl because Barty would recognize Evan's owl and probably just throw away the letter.

And with that Evan sent off the letter hoping Barty would get it and meet him there tomorrow.


The next day was going by excruciatingly slow for Evan and he felt like he was about to have a panic attack from all the stress. Evan didn't tell his friends about asking to meet with Barty or about their encounter earlier the day before and there's a simple reason for that really, they had said to give him his time and space and he'd come to them when he was ready but Evan never did believe them. Evan knew how stubborn Barty was and he himself wasn't going to wait around any longer. He couldn't do it, nothing seemed complete without Barty anymore and it hurt. Like hell.

As Midnight was approaching Evan made his way to the astronomy tower to meet with Barty. On his way there he had to shrug off peeves which he really wasn't in the mood for but nonetheless he put up with it because he was eager to see if Barty would show up.

And to Evan's surprise Barty did show up, his first words that night were "what do you want rosier." Those words hurt but Barty didn't know so it wasn't really his fault. "Please don't call me that." Evan said simply, sliding down the wall to sit down on the floor of the astronomy tower with his legs stretched out. "Why? That's your name isn't it?" Evan was really trying not to burst out crying but oh god was it hard, "Oh erm, no not- not really" Evan choked out trying not to cry, luckily Barty didn't notice. "What? what do you mean?" Barty still had a harsh tone of voice but now, a little bit of curiousness was mixed in.

Those 5 words were enough to cause Evan to burst out sobbing as he had to relive the moment. He felt weak compared to Barty who had to stand there and watch him be pathetic. Evan had expected Barty to just leave but instead Barty rushed over and pulled Evan into his arms. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" Barty pleaded with Evan to get an answer. "A 1st year heard Regulus and told my par- no Mr and Mrs. Rosier and uhm" Evan said through sniffs. "oh ev," Barty cooed rubbing circles on Evan's back, Evan didn't finish his sentence but Barty knew exactly what he meant. "I'm so sorry I wasn't before but I will always be here for you, and I will never be able to forgive myself for the fact I caused this, I mean unless Regulus caught you snogging another bloke?" Barty joked but Evan could tell he was sincere before, it was just how Barty coped. Barty's joke did help ease the tension a bit and Evan liked everything about this moment, being in Barty's arms, being with Barty. Still Evan smacked Barty lightly ontop of his head for the comment about snogging another bloke. god how he's missed this, how he's missed Barty.

After a few minutes of Evan sitting in Barty's arms Barty spoke up, "Sooo what is it you wanted to talk about?" Evan could just see the shit eating grin on Barty's face like he already knew what Evan was going to say but wanted Evan himself to say it.

"Oh piss off, you know exactly what it's about"
Evan snarled. "Whatever do you mean dear?" That made Evan flush heavily. Very heavily and he himself could tell. "Listen I- I just don't know how to put it into words so-" and with that Evan grabbed the sides of Barty's face and pulled him into a passionate kiss.


I only listened to cardigan , New Romantics , old yellow bricks and for Emma while making this

ALSO I WANTED TO SAY WHILE WRITING "without Barty running away for once"
"Houdini, love you don't know what you're runnin' away from" ( old yellow bricks )

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