Chapter 7 ( letters )

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The memories come flooding back to Barty from the very beginning of his time with Evan, until the very end.

The night where Evan had been out, failing to mention what he was doing to Barty right before he left, which would be later found out Evan had gone out to fight against some Aurors. It wasn't until around midnight when Barty started the get worried, Evan was never out this late so Barty couldn't help but think something bad happened. Deciding to just see for himself, Barty called Regulus, Pandora and Dorcas to see if Evan had gone to one of their houses but all 3 had said they hadn't seen Evan. At that point Barty was about to have a panic attack so he did the last thing he could think of, Barty cast his patronus. The massive solid black Raven that had a thick neck, distinctive shaggy throat feathers, strong, large feet and a long bill appeared, it looked at Barty to see what it was to do. "Please just go find Evan Rosier." Barty was on the verge of tears at that point. The raven stood there, not knowing what to do, that's when Barty knew. He knew Evan was gone. Evan was dead and there was no bringing him back.

It had only been a couple years since Barty had gotten Evan back. Truth be told it was the best couple of years Barty could have ever asked for.

Barty couldn't function properly without Evan, it had been months and Barty hadn't even left the home that he and Evan once shared, nor did Barty allow any of his friends over. Every night, was spent in Evan's bed, reading Evan's favourite books. Barty had read all of Evan's favourite books so many times he could tell you every single line from beginning to end. Barty had even begun writing letters addressed to Evan, even though Barty knew Evan would never get the chance to read them.

Most of the letters were the same, once tear soaked, now dry but the paper had crumpled from the tears making it known that they had once been there. The letters always started out the same way:


Merlin. Why did you have to go alone to fight those Aurors? Why Evan, I miss you so much i'm not even sure how it's possible anymore. I spent so long not realizing how much I needed you, when I finally did we had very few years together. I feel, I know I didn't cherish that time as much as I should've. I'm so glad I met you Evan Rosier, I'm so glad, and always will be that we became bestfriends and later on lovers.

I love you.


The letters soon changed, they were now almost like a diary because nobody else would be seeing them except Barty but it was still written in a way that you were talking to somebody else. Barty mentioned in his letters how he became a death eater, Barty had also mentioned in his letters what happened to Frank and Alice Longbottom which was his and Bellatrix Lestrange, and brothers Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange's doing.

Soon after the Longbottom's went mental Barty went to Azkaban for torturing them with the Cruciatus curse. Everybody in Azkaban though less of Barty because the first couple of days Barty screamed out for his mother.Barty still wrote letters to Evan whilst he was in Azkaban, he never mentioned what the people in Azkaban thought of him though. Of course Barty had no intentions of sending the letters to anybody though. The letters were now short though and all Barty had written consisted of his plans of escaping Azkaban, Barty's letters had never said 'I miss you' or 'I love you' anymore.

Up until Barty escaped Azkaban he had written letters to Evan almost every day, most of the letters had been about the time they shared together at Hogwarts since it wasn't like anything much had been happening in Azkaban. Barty did still write to Evan a ton, even while pretending to be Moody with the help of Polyjuice potions,Barty had chosen Mad Eye Moody because Moody happened to be the one who had killed Evan, the love of his life. The one he could never get back, no matter how hard he tried.

Barty wrote about his plans which were entering Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire, using a Confundus charm to confuse the Goblet of Fire so that it would select Harry's name as the fourth contestant from an unspecified school. The plan had worked which Barty didn't fail to mention in his letters because Harry had followed through the competition against Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum.

Barty had never failed to write letters to Evan, well that was up until Barty received the Dementors kiss on June 24th 1995. Barty had died after receiving the Dementors kiss and he was later reunited with Evan.


Yoooo so um yeah this is quite a sad ending, I know the only Death Eater able to cast a patronus is Snape but say for purpose of the fic Barty is able to.

I will write more rosekiller which will be happy because I love them but I wanted to write angst.

Also pls forgive me for being dry-ish in the A/N, my sleep schedule is okayyy now and it's 2:30 in the morning ( I have school in a couple hours )
( I used to stay up until like 5 on school nights so it's progress )

Also just realized Barty never got to take Evan to Hogsmeade as it being like an official date :(

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