all men need the gods, but I need you

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she looked just as beautiful as he'd seen her to be

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she looked just as beautiful as he'd seen her to be. inky hair and amber eyes, soft skin he wanted to touch, just once, just so he could say he'd touched perfection. 

"come on, taehyung." an icy hand on his shoulder brought him out of his lust. tensing, he obediently shuffled away, her name on his lips. his salvation; his jisoo


- kinda off topic but the beautiful graphic is by simply_marvelous!! she does all my graphics lol and always does an amazing job :)) anyways back to the story haha

- kind of based on the Iliad, but focusing on Helen + Menelaus + Paris

- taehyung is Helen in this case, jisoo is Menelaus, and Jennie is Paris, but the symbolism will be a bit mixed up. 

- for much of taehyung's past, going after jisoo was risky but *for love,* while jennie was the safe choice, so it would seem the roles might be switched... but by the time the story starts, jisoo is kind of the only choice, and jennie is forgotten anyways. so.. it'll be a bit strange. 

- essentially: taehyung and jisoo were best friends and very close to dating in high school, and then, Aphrodite intervened, and the next day, he was seen kissing Jennie, so jisoo is kinda sad and they eventually stop talking. but then, after years of dating, taehyung mysteriously disappears. Athena intervenes, and this time, taehyung goes through a lot of torture, where essentially his only reprieve is seeing pictures of jisoo. so when he eventually escapes and finds jisoo again... he's obsessed. that's where the story should start, and the rest will be revealed throughout flashbacks. 

- so... this is a philosophy heavy one. 

- do we have free will? what counts as a choice? what's love and what's obsession? 

- these characters are also very very flawed. our three leads all have had uniquely traumatic experiences that have shaped them interestingly. 

- taehyung is obsessed with jisoo after his traumatic torture, and was similarly obsessed with Jennie under threat from Aphrodite. he's also reckless due to parental abuse. it will be a long long road before he can regain himself in this book, and at the end he won't be fully healed, because healing isn't a linear process at all!

- jisoo is gossipy. she's gonna be a therapist in the adult phase, but is not great at keeping secrets, due to her toxic mother's meddling ways. still, she's probably the most 'good' out of our three leads

- Jennie is kind of crazy. she's probably the 'worst' one out of all of them, actually! she's willing to do anything to get her way, and has no sense of accountability because of her neglectful parents. she also always relies on her connections, so sloth is a big part of this too!

- another event that's important to Jennie is the symbolic judging scene. (she's Paris after all!) she was offered a lot, but eventually chose Aphrodite, AKA a fantasy of love, which she has never actually had. 

- our villains are kind of scary, and are definitely based off of greek gods here (but Korean). I have backstories for all of them, but we're going to focus on Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, (names can change if you would like, but preferably should remain close in terms of meanings and symbolism at least!)

- hera is the matron of the powerful but elusive olympian family. when Jennie judges, she offers power and positions after high school, and acceptance pretty much everywhere. she'll seem to be the most scary and evil, but while she has the most power, she is not so calculating that our heroes are caught in her web. she'll hate Jennie, love taehyung, and be indifferent to Jisoo. (her face claim is son yejin, an actress who kind of has that maternal vibe right now)

- aphrodite is considered the scariest by taehyung. she offers taehyung to Jennie when she judges, and threatens taehyung into a relationship with Jennie. at the start of it, she'll be scheming with Jennie and slowly will be revealed in taehyung's flashbacks. she's flawed, and is pretty unhinged. she'll be the stereotypical girly girl, and might seem nice at first glance, but she can still be very intimidating when she wants to be(there's a few scenes especially with jisoo and taehyung that might be fun to write!). she'll love Jennie, be indifferent to taehyung, and hate jisoo. (her face claim is im yoona)

- Athena is probably the worst of them. she's the scariest according to jennie and jisoo, and her intellect and craftiness is sort of legendary. however, she's also incredibly devious and willing to do anything to achieve her goals and protect her loved ones, and very very petty. you can mention Arachne for sure. she'll be the most mysterious. none of our leads know who she is or what she wants. (no face claim currently, it's up to you!)

- there is so many plot points and twists I have in mind already lol, but we'll stop there. 

okay, those are the basic points, pm me for more info!

main pairing: taehyung + jisoo

genre: thriller/mystery romantic drama

availability: not available FOR NOW (ahh ik there are two unavailable ones but oops I promise I'll get them up soon)

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