Oʙsᴇssᴇᴅ!Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ X ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ X ᴏʙsᴇssᴇᴅ!Aᴏɪ

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A/N: I wrote this in a short period of time so if it's a bit crappy to you then I'm sorry about that, but hey It's been written now haha.

1201 words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's hard to sit back and watch as your enemy is wed to the woman you fell in love with. Anger boiled within Sakura as she watched you and Aoi at the alter. Being all lovey-dovey towards each other....

Before you had gotten married to Aoi, Sakura had met you through a gamble. In fact you had met Aoi through Sakura even if Sakura did not want you to meet him.

Oh how she wishes she never let you near the bastard.

If Sakura knew that you'd eventually be wed to her sworn enemy then she would've put a stop to it. You are incredibly important to the woman. Yet, for now, she controlled herself.

It was clear Sakura was getting fidgety as rage continued to bubble inside her. Aoi could see it from where he stood with you in his arms. He knew Sakura had grown rather fond of you...

Such little fantasies should be over, now.

After vows were said and rings we exchanged, a wedding party had commenced in the Mibuomi hall. Aoi, a smug smirk plastered on his face, had approached his bratty enemy. Sakura had taken a liking to the more alcoholic drinks....

"I saw how you were looking at her, I do hope you'll know it's too late now."

Sakura glances at the pathetic bastard and snarls. holding back her venom.

"She doesn't belong to you Aoi. I had found her first. You don't deserve someone like her."

"How beastly of you to say she isn't mine! Look who's married to her? It clearly isn't you! She doesn't even love you...!"

"Shut your fucking mouth! You are a man of lies, of course she loves me. You have only deceived her. She'd never love someone as bratty and useless like you!"

"Look who's delusional~ Fine. Keep your fantasies. Just know I'll step in if you try anything."

Aoi then walks by the girl, who was seeing red at this point. leaning in to whisper in her ear before he left.

"You've lost your chance Sakura. Get over it."

Just before Sakura was able to strike Aoi for his foul attitude, you came into view. Your dress looked beautiful and a happy smile graced your face. You looked angelic, your presence calming the angered woman.

"I see you've been talking with Aoi."

Sakura tries to hide the grimace on her face when you bring up the pig. Soon going for another sip of her drink before you stopped her. It's amazing how light your touch was on her arm. One of the many things about you Sakura found hard to let go.

"Try not to have too much of that Sakura, I don't want you getting too drunk,okay?"

"Even now you care for my well-being...."

"Why would I not? You are close to me. How else would I have met my husband?"

Sakura, again, attempts to hide her discontent. You truly looked so happy. Even if it was not because of her....

"Your dress looks wonderful. You truly do remind me of a delicate flower."

Sakura lightly caresses your dress, you carefully keeping her at a distance. Your smile faltered for a moment at how out of it Sakura was.

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