Chapter 4

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Gato's Yatch)

"Please don't kill me!" Screamed Gato as he was picked by his neck now clinging to Natsumi's slender arm.

"Po Po Po..." Said Natsumi tilting her head to the side staring at him

"Please I'll give you whatever you want! Just don't kill me!?" He pleaded in fear sweating like a pig as she continued to stare blankly at him.

Now how did she end up finding Gato? While she was out hunting and on a mass hunt killing all of gato's thugs. She interrogated one of his thugs to where to man was hiding which he told her out of fear but she killed him in the end and went after her prey. She arrived on the yatch and killed every thug and guard on his boat.

"Po Po Po Po Po Po Po..." She chanted still staring at him smelling his fear and anxiety

"Please! I'll give you money! Anything! Put me down and we can work this out!" He begged fearing that she'll kill him.

"Anything I want?" She Said with no emotion As he nodded frantically

"I want this country as my territory... and pigs like you are not welcomed here!" She yelled as he started screaming when she ripped his head off causing blood to spray everywhere as it got on her white dress.

Holding his head she put it on a pike as she burned his body along with burning down his yatch.

( Morning Wave Town square)

The villagers of wave could only gasp in shock as they see a pike with the head of Gato on it. They wanted to know who killed him? They felt relived and happy that the tyrant Gato has died! But by who?.

The genins along with Kurenai and Guy could only feel a shiver down their spines.

Kakashi had finally appeared as they looked at him

"Did you find her?" Asked Kurenai As he looked up

"No... I didn't find her.. but I have followed her trail leading to several bandit camps they were all slaughtered..." Kakashi Said with slight fear as the two looked horrified

"She killed again!?" Spoken Guy

"So she killed Gato too..." Kurenai Said shocking Kakashi

"What did you say!?" He Asked looking at her with one wide eye.

"She's killed Gato... she put his head on a pike in townhall of wave" Said Kurenai

"We need to contact the hokage this is getting out of hand much faster! She is clearly not herself!" Kakashi yelled before anyone could agree they heard screaming and it was coming from Sakura They instantly ran only to freeze in their tracks seeing Natsumi with her hand through Neji's chest. The other genins were too scared to move

They were all shocked by Natsumi's appearance she's 8 feet tall!

"Natsumi!" Yelled Kakashi as she turned her head towards him with cold lifeless blue eyes.

"Natsumi What happened to you!?" He demanded still staring at him blankly.

"Po... Po Po Po Po Po..." she chanted pulling her hand out of Neji who fell face down dead.

Sasuke was looking at her in fear as he Shino, Tenten, Hinata, Kiba and Sakura along with Lee we're scared

"Natsumi!" He called out Seeing her look at him emotionlessly

"Please Natsumi Listen to me! What is wrong with you! Why are you killing!?" He yelled

"Kakashi-sensei... am I pretty?" Said Natsumi Confusing everyone at her question

He puzzled at her question as he stayed silent.

"Hey I think you're pretty and hot!" Spoken Kiba with slight lust She turned to him as Akamaru as a puppy whimpered

"Even like this? Kai!" She Said dispelling her genjutsu over her mouth revealing a ear to ear slit mouth with a row of sharp shark teeth making everyone go white.

"N-No!" Screamed Kiba And before anybody could stop Natsumi she vanished and reappeared slamming both her hands around his head crushing it as everyone screamed Tenten, Lee, Shino And Hinata all ran Sakura was close to running only for Natsumi's hair hooks to come to life and rip Sakura to shreds

"Sakura!" Yelled Kakashi as he ran to her only for a Blue Ribbon to wrap around his neck strangling him and holding him in place.

Guy attempted to charge at Natsumi and attempt to hit her only for her to counter it and snap his arm then she turned him around and kneed his spine breaking it in the process disabling him.

"Stop! Stop !" Screamed Kakashi horrified that she disabled guy.

Kurenai was going to use her genjutsu to trap Natsumi on a tree only for Natsumi to pull out her foot long scissors and grabbed Kurenai by the neck slamming her against a tree looking up in fear Kurenai saw Natsumi clip her scissors

"Natsumi! Stop!" Yelled Kakashi as he was thrown

"AAAAAAHHH!" Screamed Kurenai as Natsumi Slit Kurenai's mouth ear to ear with her scissors as she dropped the woman down

Sasuke was trembling as he bothered to not move horrified at what she'll do to him.

He flinched when he saw her walk to him.

"Natsumi...?" He Said fearfully as she looked down into him as if she was staring into his very soul.

"Sasuke..." She Said with ice in her voice

"Nat- guagh!" He grunted in Pain feeling a sharp end pierce through him only to see her hand looking up in fear with blood leaking out of his mouth.

"Wh-Why..." He Asked softy looking at her who had a cruel smile on her face as she slowly pulled out of him letting him drop to his knees.

"Sasuke NO!" Yelled Kakashi shocked that She killed him!

"NOOO!" He Yelled as he saw her hair hooks now latch onto him staring at her emotionless face.

"Why!? Why are you doing this!?" He Screamed out as she stared at his face With silence and her response was ripping him in half with his shocked face

Looking at the carnage she did she could only see Kurenai was still alive as the genjutsu mistress cried tears with her bloody ear to ear slit mouth.

Natsumi has vanished.

( With Haku)

He stood over Zabuza's dead body as he struck a icicle through the swordsman's heart.

"Sorry Zabuza-san." He Said now taking the man's sword as Natsumi appeared he handed her the sword as she placed it on her back.

"Where are we going now Natsumi-sama.." He Said looking at his mistress

"We're going home, Haku-kun" She Replied holding his hand and vanished taking him with her leaving wave.

To be continued

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