Chapter 6: Assault on Suna

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Suna Night time)

Blood curdling screams could be heard as Villagers of Suna ran for their lives. Natsumi arrived at Suna and began her rampage upon the village, she hacked and cleaved so many Suna Shinobi and even killed some of the villagers.

"Form up on all sides against that abomination!" Said a Suna Anbu as they all surrounded her and all jumped at her only for her hair hooks to to rip them to shreds and cut them apart.

More Suna Chunin and Jonins charged at her only for her to turn and blow a icy breath at them freezing them solid and destroyed them with her executioner blade.

Villagers ran and fled in terror. More and More Shinobi arrived to stop Natsumi.

Her fist had a white bubble around it as she glared at the group and swung her fist causing a earthquake destroying half the village shattering many villages and killing hundreds of villagers in the process.

"STOP! You will go no further!" Yelled a Suna jonin named Baki as he brought forth a whole platoon.

Even the Puppet division appeared with Their puppets led by a elderly old woman named Chiyo

"ATTACK!" Yelled Baki as he and his platoon charged at her with weapons in their hands as the puppet division joined in sending all their puppets at her.

Natsumi looked at both squads closing in on her as she grew black tengu wings from her back and started flying with her sword in hand as she flew down and went pass some of the Suna Jonins and Chunins who perished at her hands from her sword.

She even tossed her sword at the puppet squad beheading and destroying every user with a puppet.

She exhaled a chilly breathe upon both squads freezing just about all of them.

Chiyo was among the ones who froze as Natsumi sent a Quake punch at the frozen puppet users shattering them.

Baki was the only one to survive. But his end came quick when Natsumi Beheaded him with her hair hooks.

She walked further and further heading to the Kazekage tower as she saw more and more Suna shinobi in a new defense not that it would stop her.

She summoned her sword back to her and imbued her quake power into the blade and brought down her sword sending a quake slash upon the entire forces of Suna killing them and destroying them to paste. Several buildings flew apart from the attack.

No one survived it.

Not even the villagers.

The Kazekage could only glare at this being who destroyed his village and killed every Shinobi he had.

He decided to face her.

"You will pay for your life for what you have DONE!" He growled summoning his golden sand

She tilted her head seeing him preform gold Sand, as he sent a massive wave of Sand to entrap her into Quick sand. She evaded from the sand as she charged at him as he kept sending multiple gold sand tendrils at her, she evaded each of them or moved away with her sword.

She swinged her sword at him as he dodged before it could touch him and sent multiple sand shirikens at her which didn't seem to do no affect on her.

"Just what are you!?" He shouted

"I am a Yokai Princess." She says in a cold voice

Glaring he summoned Sand waves to try and sink her in sand only for her to break free and charge at him with her sword high in the air.

He hardened his sand dome as a shield and defense against her attack.

Her sword was coated in Yokai chakra and went through his sand dome destroying it and slicing the Kazekage in two halves.

Now after killing him, she goes after the Ichibi Jinchuriki.

( With Gaara)

He and his siblings were on the run, after seeing the destruction upon their village.

Gaara was even scared himself, his "mother" told him to run away as far as he could and to not fight this scary individual.

They ran and ran as fast as they could only for Natsumi to appear in front of them.

The three of them froze in fear seeing her.

"Come." She says towards Gaara who flinched

"Stay away from him!" Said his Sister Temari who brought out her fan.

Natsumi walked Forward to grab Gaara only for Temari to blast her away with her fan.

"Kankuro! Take Gaara out of here and run!" She says looking towards them who nodded but widened their eyes.

"Temari look out!" Yelled Kankuro as she turned and saw Natsumi grab her By the throat and crushed it killing the girl.

"Give him to me." She says walking towards them tossing away temari's lifeless corpse.

"N-Never!" He called out his puppets as she charged at him and slew them apart with her very long claws and even beheaded the boy.

Once she saw Gaara running she shot thick spider webs from her hands trapping Gaara in full Webs covering him whole in webs as she grabbed him and walked away.

In one night, Suna had been officially destroyed. Countless lives who lived there died as did the Shinobi. No survivors. Which will cause a major wake up call to the other villages of Suna's destruction.

( Days later)

The news spread like wildfire of what became of Suna as it began putting fear into all villages.

Jiraiya and Tsunade along with Shizune arrived at konoha and went to see the Sandaime who is going to tell them what was going on.

"Sensei... what is going on... was your message serious about Natsumi?" Jiraiya spoke with edge on his voice

"Yes... Jiraiya it is... And I'm sure you heard the recent news about Suna's destruction..." The old Kage said grimly who nodded.

"You don't think she's done that? That's impossible!" He shouted

"You must investigate on this now..." The Sandaime says

( Uzu)

Now back in her home she secured Gaara in a cell made for a Jinchuriki to keep him contained and chakra chains to seal off his powers to prevent him from breaking free.

Haku is currently laying against her breasts looking at her with love and lust.

Sitting on her throne with him on her lap laying against her breasts sleeping.

She will convince the Ichibi to join her. If not she has other ways to make him see things her way.

She will ascend into a greater Yokai. By destroying every Shinobi village and remake the elemental nations into Yokai image by liberating all jinchuriki and have them at her side for a new era.

To be continued

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