Chapter 8

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The Uzu Dungeons)

Natsumi approached Gaara's cell as the boy was restrained and chained by chakra chains and cuffs restricting his movements and preventing him from using his tailed beast.

Gaara looked facing Natsumi.

"Hello. Gaara. That's your name is it?" She asked as the boy shivered and looked up at her cold blank face.

"it's you.." He says looking at her.

"Yes. It is I. Natsumi Uzumaki the Yokai Princess." she introduced herself facing Gaara.

Gaara for the first time in his sadistic crazed life felt terrified of this woman.

Even Shukaku the one tails was scared within his jailer. The tailed beast wasn't stupid it knows that.. That's kurama inside that woman along with 9 other entities. It terrified him that this woman scared him.

"Are you going to kill me?" Gaara asked looking at her in terror as she shook her head.

"Of course not. You are now liberated from your village. I want you to join me." she says with him looking taken back by this.

"Join you? Join you in what?" He couldn't help but ask as she stared down at him.

"Join me in conquest. Conquest and control to all the elemental nations. I plan to bring a new era.. And I want you and the other jinchuriki like you and me to rule alongside me."Natsumi simply replied looking at him.

"Why should I join you?" He asked with his dull eyes and blank yet hidden scared expression.

"I can see that you was treated rather harshly. Gaara. I used to be like you. We can make the humans fear us and respect us." She would reply

Gaara would think for a moment while she did have a point... and her offer was tempting.. considering his father made him into a village pariah and his own uncle tried to kill him at a young age.. he suffered so many assassination attempts on his life too..

Natsumi smiled she could see that he is seeing things her way.

"Then I accept." Gaara would say looking up to her as her smile increased.

( Mt. Myoboku)

"I need answers! What does all this mean! How and why would Natsumi do this! I've told you everything! Does this have something to do with the prophecy? Has it changed it someway?" Jiraiya would ask the toads as he was seeking for questions from them. He needed to know what changed? What caused Natsumi to go on a dark path and become cruel and evil?

"Such a horrible... and twisted fate that has befallen to Natsumi-Chan... Minato-boy would have been heartbroken of what has become his daughter after what you have told us Jiraiya.." Pa would say looking grim as was Pa, and Gamabunta.

"it's quite clear that you are solely responsible for this Jiraiya! Because of your negligence to her, she has chosen this path! Surely you KNEW she would be treated harshly like all Jinchuriki would be! She probably grew resentment towards those who wronged her and treated her wrongly throughout her younger years!" Ma would say angrily

"I AGREE. maybe if you had took the tadpole in like Minato told you too this wouldn't have happened!" Gamabunta says adding his two cents in.

Jiraiya looked down with grim and sadness.

"I know... I know I screwed up... I wanted to take her in but I couldn't at the time..." He says he was so full of grief at the time when he lost his student and with so much he couldn't afford to raise Natsumi and look after her while maintaining his spynetwork and look for any leads. He knew her life was going to be bad but not this BAD to the point that it would drive her on the dark side of things.

"I want to make things right! I want to bring Natsumi back but how?!" He added

"I am afraid such things are impossible... I'd like to think the fox is the cause of this... it's possible the fox had a hand in this."Pa would say making Jiraiya look to him

"What are you saying? Are you saying the fox itself is also directly responsible for Natsumi going on this dark path of death and destruction?" Jiraiya questioned making the toads exchanged worried glances at one another.

"It could be a possibility. The Fox seemed to not like the idea of being sealed into a new vessel... he's probably using any means of vengeance to get back at the village and Minato-boy by using his daughter as his way of vengeance." Pa would say. As this horrified Jiraiya further knowing the fox is capable of doing that and that he could use Natsumi as revenge for being sealed away.

"This is bad... the fox is manipulating her? And is using her.. I have to inform Sensei and the others so that we can be prepared for her.." Jiraiya would say now heading back to Konoha to inform his Sensei.

( Back with Natsumi)

Now on her throne she would wait for Haku her servant to return to her.

Haku indeed returned to her throne.

"Natsumi-sama. The fleet is ready..." he says

"Good boy Haku. Get ready. Our forces and fleet is heading to Kiri. Set sail!" Natsumi declared with a smile

To be continued

An: I apologize for the short chapter this is seriously what came up in my mind. Due to it being spooky month.


Going to tell you guys that I will be doing some rewrites on my fics.

Elf Kitsune will be getting a rewrite along with Uzumaki Syren, Uzumaki Discordia.

I feel like I should rewrite Uzumaki Kankandara and Uzumaki grudge depending on how I write the plot.

Since I did a Uzumaki Series of: Uzumaki Hachishaku, Uzumaki Kankandara, Uzumaki Syren, and Uzumaki Grudge.

How do you all feel about Uzumaki Sadako? Or Uzumaki Ring? Featuring Sadako

Until next time will be updating surprise updates.

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